Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

I tried to google search what to feed an injured hawk but it says everywhere not to and to contact wildlife officials! :shrug:
So far every time it happened they hangout for a day or two then take off. I'm not contacting them shitheads, they will destroy it.
yea, my kid stayed with us for a week and brought her dogs, they have the dam glass all dirty on the outside, too F'n cold to go outside to wash windows.
I assumed the glass was super clean and thats how it flew into it! To be honest i never actually looked at the glass in the pics! :shrug: :rofl:

So far every time it happened they hangout for a day or two then take off. I'm not contacting them shitheads, they will destroy it.
I assumed the glass was super clean and thats how it flew into it! To be honest i never actually looked at the glass in the pics! :shrug: :rofl:

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The bottom 2 feet of the glass is smeared with muddy paw prints. My wife feeds peanuts to the squirrels, our yard is loaded with them furry tree rats. This morning when she threw out the peanuts we had 20 squirrels and 8 Blue jays and one Downey Wood the yard.
So far every time it happened they hangout for a day or two then take off. I'm not contacting them shitheads, they will destroy it.
You can try this place. All they do is rehab injured birds from all over the country. They're in NJ not far off 78
I realize strains are all somewhat different, but does anyone else measure a healthy plant by the number of fingers on the leaves? Like when I see someone post about a plant in the infirmary and I see he has nothing but 3 finger leaves on it, I consider it a lost cause. Like my Pine Curtain right now, has 7 and 9 finger leaves, I consider it doing pretty well to this point.