Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

Guess what I'm smoking today?
Hints it rhymes with

Gotta love ai

Never thought I'd see Pooh bear Twerk half way through.
If you want to put on something difficult to remove: Hilti expanding spray foam.

This stuff is structural adhesive, and a little bit in the right spots could laminate a hood closed forever.
Potato in the tail pipe is tempting, except he might never leave and why would I lose my groceries to a dickhead?

Well, maybe just the mustard...

i hear ya man....i hate not bein old enuff to watch certain videoz :rolleyes1: ppp
OTOH, you could be like me, old enough to enjoy them more than once. Maybe even more than twice. One of the many advantages. Like less hair to deal with, fewer chicks chasing you. Hmmm kinda ran out of ideas there... :biggrin: