In the 70's we were taught in school that another ice age is coming. I read that the Giza Plateau were the Sphinx and Great pyramid call home was plush and green when they were built, 5k years ago. So if thats true, the warming has been coming for a while.Climate change thinking seems to go in stages like this in some circles:
1. it is bullshit, false news, science doesn't count (except for my cell phones), etc.
2. Yeah it is happening, but it ain't got nothin to do with humans, its just what happens, and besides, how bad could a couple degrees warmer be? (might want to ask a few LA residents, if you forgot to ask peeps from Paradise, Lytton, Jasper, etc. etc.)
3. I suppose it might cause problems in some places, but not where I live, and in any case, it still ain't humans' fault and we can fix it anyway if we apply tech. (if there is any money left after cleaning up the fires).
4. Gee maybe carbon dioxide emissions are part of the problem, but no bloody way am I doing anything about it until China (or fill in whatever country you like) does first. Oh, and I'm doing anything until my (fill in the term, neighbours, richer people, etc) have to do more first.
5. Well, sure it is a shit show and humans caused it, but forcing me to do (fill in the measure) will not fix it, so party on.
6. Given how many people are in stages 1 to 5, we are likely screwed, at least our kids and their kids are.
I am pretty much at #6. I could go on about why, but that might be politics. OTOH, maybe climate change science is already politics, in which case, bite me.
I think many more ice ages and warmings will come, its the cycle of this planet. We're not really trying to save the planet, we're trying to save ourselves. We can do everything right, and one meteor will change everything.
Love talking this stuff stoned