Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

Ah, if they jump/teleport away, them is Springers alright! Generally harmless detritus eaters, but masses of them are pesky and messy just the same...
Ya, they are all over the place. Kind of crowded in the small tent.
Nothing. And I've had it for a little while. Probably over a dozen different strains at least under it. But I grow in coco and my leaves don't normally change colors. But no difference in the plants 4in away from it and the plants in the corners :pass:
Im a freak for colors and the idea of increasing anthocyanin sounds awesome! But if its just a bs sales pitch then i wont even think about it. I get enough colors as is without any additional uv/ir or anything with purple strains anyway. Im happy enough with what i got. When something comes out and can prove it does what it says then ill save my money haha
Maybe the lower pic?... but the top one, black with wings, can't be one as they don't have wings...
I don't see any wings :shrug: I'm on a phone though. I see antenna, head, thorax, abdomen and legs... @DDubs Where you seeing them? Are they only on the outside/underside of the pots/top of soil, or are they up in the plants? Do they move quick when you move your hands around near them? :pass:
Ya, they are all over the place. Kind of crowded in the small tent.
You can scrape off the top of your soil and toss it and also spray the outside of your pots and stuff with iso to knock them back. You can also spray with a soap mix, and water that in to kill the ones below the surface. The soap will basically suffocate them from the outside. They're a nuisance for established plants but you want it squared away before planting seeds :pass:
dude, if they teleport, they ain't even from this fuckin timeline :yoinks: :rofl::rofl: :biggrin: ppp
They do I swear! Poke your finger toward one and it just disappears,....
I don't see any wings :shrug: I'm on a phone though. I see antenna, head, thorax, abdomen and legs... @DDubs Where you seeing them? Are they only on the outside/underside of the pots/top of soil, or are they up in the plants? Do they move quick when you move your hands around near them? :pass:
On the soil, under the pot, in the catch basin and on the floor of the tent. I didn't see any signs on the plants. Thankfully