Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

My wife and I went to the casino the other day We had a couple hours to kill waiting for dog groomer. We’ve been off cigs 5 months and have been vaping Geek Bars. I broke down and asked her if she wanted to buy a pack of smokes and we would throw away the pack
When we left. I smoked 7 cigs in two hours. Lol I love to smoke my body is rebelling though. Back to the vapes.
Me in my drinking days. Lol

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That was me when i was on oxy and stuff! Soma muscle relaxers if u took them on an empty stomach and then ate something like 30min later it would fuck u up! Passed out sitting upright with a cig in my hand countless times! Luckily i never burned the house down! Never been a drinker tho!
I bought the lemons head one the other day.
I like lemon flavor but didn’t care for GB’s version. Cool mint is my fav so far.
The new grape slush flavor is killer! Anything with blackberry is top shelf! The blueberry blackberry was amazing!
I quit cigs for 15 years around 2000.
I was smoking Philly honey cigars but I didn’t inhale. The gubmint banned them for advertising to kids. I bought Swisher Sweet cigarillos and started inhaling. lol
Switched back to cigs and have had a hell of time quitting.
I meant to post this here lol! So i just bought a cheap 20$ 60watt led with uv and ir for the auto tent so i can spread more light and adjust for the taller ladies. Im really stoked, i searched for a couple hrs before i found what i hope is good deal lol. Im already hitting my DLI but could use some more penetration and spread! Stoked! The autos are just starting to flower so they will love it im sure!
dude, i beat ya to that request like, multiple pagez ago :rofl: :doh: .............i mean, jus sayin :coffee: ppp
Late to the party, as usual - the only thing worse than a stoner is an old one. :crying:
I quit cigs for 15 years around 2000.
I was smoking Philly honey cigars but I didn’t inhale. The gubmint banned them for advertising to kids. I bought Swisher Sweet cigarillos and started inhaling. lol
Switched back to cigs and have had a hell of time quitting.
I gotta quit too. Thinking if trying the patches again. Gonna try to substitute with cannabis. Itll be harder when i go back to work, hopefully i can quit before then. Really gonna try to not buy another pack. I was just talking to @MamaMouse about this this morning. She was able to finally quit using the lozenges! I dont want my kids to watch me die of cancer Or emphysema!
That shit'll kill ya bro, as i glantz down at the burn hole in my new puter chair.
While I look down at the hole in my pants from a soldering iron. The other half here was not amused either. :biggrin: