Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

and while i'm at it....


footnote: the 70'z were def my fave decade, BUT -> i'll be damned if i'd dress like that today :nono: :rofl: ppp
Thank you @Mossy ! Hope youre doing well,
Wish we'd been born rich and feckless huh.....?......... :d5:
i do wonder what life would be like had i grown up in a world that wasnt set up for failure.
Holy moley i was just freaking the fuck out! I am going to get a new battery and oil today so i can get the ford driving to move it here but i couldn’t find the keys for the life of me! Dumped every single box from my room out in the floor and no luck! Finally remembered my trash can from my bedroom was the last thing i loaded with stuff from my bedroom floor and they were down in the bottom! Luckily once i get the battery i can put the car in neutral (without disconnecting shit from transmission) i can roll it into the street and change the oil and add fuel! I do also gotta change the ecu mounting bracket cuz one of the last times it was driven my sister plowed into a snow bank and broke the bracket but i can always bungee it into place to get the car here and then i can change it since i already got the part! She shattered it so badly there aren’t any pieces left so not positive exactly how it mounts and need to remove that tire and maybe front bumper cover but i ain’t doing that in a driveway thats on a 45° angle! :thumbsup:
Only leather pants for you these days?

sweatpantz actually, lol....sweatz & of course....has been my normal dress for yearz now :headbang: ppp
@Lil Dab ...if you win the lottery.. will you buy me a dog....?....:eyebrows:.....

How much.....?.........:yoinks:...

If it’s the big one for billions sure want 2? But for 4.4 mil I think we could buy something better you don’t have to clean up after :doh: :rofl::rofl::rofl: