Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Yawwwwwnnnnnn..... OK, fine! I'll get up. Ugh.

Good day everyone
Yeah tthat morning everyone think i am late but don't really care... Off to work have a great Thursday I'll be around :headbang::pass:
Yawwwwwnnnnnn..... OK, fine! I'll get up. Ugh.

Good day everyone

Morning @DDubs .....
coffeetime.gif help...
This guys life story is crazy! A must listen!!! He's like the Forrest Gump of weed. not sure how much BS is in the story, but looked up some info on the guy and seems super legit

Also, @Mañ'O'Green, Lil Dab had mentioned that you inquired about the 99 Skunk seeds he has/is currently growing. This guy has according to many has a cut of original skunk. Supposedly it's right there like old school, but slightly on the sweet side. His seed company is called Authentic Genetics if you are unfamiliar with him.

That's todd McCormick. He's totally legit. His site is Old school genetics with the history that goes with them :smokeit:
Seems there is a bug going around here at work again… my foreman/friend has been home all week sick… his whole family has Covid he didn’t test positive but wife and kids did he feels like crap though… Now one of my other coworkers came to work today not feeling good and says “stay away”:doh::nono: So this might explain why I feel like crap this week maybe I am getting sick again:yoinks::nono::shrug::goodluck:
this is my cover crop, no nitrogen fixation but it does produce oxalic acid
I couldn't have those in my grow, I have a serious reaction to oxalic acid, I blow up like a balloon. Any foods that have it naturally must be cooked down so the oxalic acid is decarb'd......onions must be cooked down till they are absolutely salsa or anything with raw onions etc. :thumbsup:
I couldn't have those in my grow, I have a serious reaction to oxalic acid, I blow up like a balloon. Any foods that have it naturally must be cooked down so the oxalic acid is decarb'd......onions must be cooked down till they are absolutely salsa or anything with raw onions etc. :thumbsup:
I never knew that. Does garlic have it? I'd be screwed if I couldn't have fresh garlic. I use granulated garlic, but it's not the same.
I never knew that. Does garlic have it? I'd be screwed if I couldn't have fresh garlic. I use granulated garlic, but it's not the same.
Yup even garlic has to be "cooked" down or deep flash frozen. It isn't nearly as bad as onions can be, the sweeter it is the less oxalic acid to start....

One time at FedEx I came in and my truck was full front to rear and to the roof with crates of onion bulbs,,, within 2-3 minutes of being in the truck I had a reaction, I told my manager prior to getting in the truck but he said there was no such thing, but when I fell out of the truck looking like a blimp he got rather panicky LOL

Being stuck in onion fields is my nightmare! LOL
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