Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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You haven't Mugged @Fermented_Fruitz for his stashbox have you.........?................:shooty:....
:crying: Will do and nah these are much better then what he gets plus their free :toke::rofl::rofl:
:crying: Mossy school of Parenting.......:yeah:....if your kids have spare Energy...they will use it to get into Trouble........

Looks like yer Ma went to the same Parenting classes........:crying:

Never Thought of your Crap net.....Perfectly set up greenhouse full to the brim with canna plants.
And the Only workers he can get are useless....:headbang:

haha! too funny as i wear myself out! :crying:

No in all reality she is just scattered.... Anyway.. got the tent together last night... install ventilation and lights tonight and move plants in... fingers crossed I actually have the time! :pass:
Good afternoon @Mossy
How those frogs treating you?
giphy (15).gif
HAPPY TGIF Y’all! Already checked and misted seedlings then discovered the big pot needed water. 4 small girls in a 30 gal pot… gotta keep the media moist… watched the last episode of season 2 Castle Rock on Hulu. Always been a Stephen King fan. Now it’s the cleaning whirlwind that is me tearing thru the house. I do the cleaning when I’m laid off so my wife doesn’t have to after work or on weekends. @Mossy , Ty for the reps and @Talonxracer. First bowl down of MobStar’s Dream and maintenance puffs to follow shortly. Gonna make a central space for all the smoking utensils in my small library area. Sort through books I won’t read again (not the SK books) and consolidate for space. I hate to get rid of books but donating them is acceptable. We have a “give a book, take a book” cabinet in the area and that’s where they will go when spring hits. Two more puffs before resumption!! Peace for now y’all
Seems I made it through another week!


Ethos Purple Thai is on the menu and I thought a few more weeks cure would tame her a bit, as she is a mind bender.. but noooope!

Every puff is like...

Can't take a smoke break without tunes..

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