Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Looks like a Calcium or Magnesium deficiency going on. Diatomaceous earth won’t really do anything to them. You need Mosquito bits. You can make a tea and them also too dress with that. If you water once a week for four weeks in a row with that, they will be mostly gone.
I think they are restricted where I live or they don't want me to get the right stuff to make more money lol. But I have been keeping a eye out for that stuff
Looks like a Calcium or Magnesium deficiency going on. Diatomaceous earth won’t really do anything to them. You need Mosquito bits. You can make a tea and them also too dress with that. If you water once a week for four weeks in a row with that, they will be mostly gone.
I'm having the same issue....I've done mosquito dunks, senopad insecticide spray, everything and still having issues.....I bought some nematodes packs... see if that helps....I even went 5 dayz no water.....and they are those crazy fast black and made it snow...diatomaceous earth
I always seems to have a few gnats flying around the basement:shrug: I just try mange the best I can and keep them from getting into the pots ie: lady bugs, BTI, spinosad, yellow stocky traps, and DE seems to keep them at bay :warrior:
I'm having the same issue....I've done mosquito dunks, senopad insecticide spray, everything and still having issues.....I bought some nematodes packs... see if that helps....I even went 5 dayz no water.....and they are those crazy fast black and made it snow...diatomaceous earth
The only thing that works from my experience is a combo of the mosquito bits on top of soil, then water with a tea made with the bits four weeks in a row, and use the yellow strips. That will do it a 💯! After that, you get just a couple flying around. It works every time, don’t worry, A small bag of the bits costs like 17$ on Amazon.
I have a high amount of airflow & only ever see a few adults with the neem spray, mostly just adolescent ones everywhere. Quinoa apparently grows a bug repelent bitter substance which acts like a detergent. Tinker a bit I'm not expecting much I'm going to see if it will act as dish soap to neem oil. Options & tests are fun
I think they are restricted where I live or they don't want me to get the right stuff to make more money lol. But I have been keeping a eye out for that stuff
SUMMIT CHEMICAL CO 117-6 30OZ Mosquito Bits

U can’t order from here?
Hey @DCLXVI am i hallucinating or is this the exact same active ingredients (even subspecies strain) as the gnatrol?

Valent USA Dipel Pro DF Biological Insecticide BT 54%, 1lb Bag
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