Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

Not open for further replies. just gets better...FTX,...... The company's new management revealed that a total of $3.2 billion was paid to Bankman-Fried and other key employees through various entities. These payments were mostly made through Alameda Research, which is owned by Bankman-Fried. Notably, the disclosed figures exclude the $240 million spent on luxury property in the Bahamas and any direct political or charitable donations.
That is next level fuckery there.

That was the crypto currency company that had the big party house and they were all fucking that one really ugly chick?
You don't want them.

They hate us. Bitches that work the lunch meat counter are just rude as fuck.

We are just walking sacks of money, to them.

They are just in general, really shitty people. They run puppy mills and stuff like that. They treat their animals like shit because they see them as nothing more than farm implements. All the communities have incest and pedophile issues. They are all inbred and have crazy diseases caused from it, like maple syrup urine disease.
Did anyone else google that?.
Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is a rare but serious inherited condition. It means the body cannot process certain amino acids (the "building blocks" of protein), causing a harmful build-up of substances in the blood and urine. Normally, our bodies break down protein foods such as meat and fish into amino acids.
And forcing your ideas on others is authoritarianism.
Weren't you in here cheering when roe was overturned?
there'z an image i didn't need :nono: ppp

Word is they hire men from outside the community to come knock their wives or daughters up, because there is obviously no new genes making it in.

The ones around me foster kids for the state foster program. There is nothing funnier than seeing some poor little black kid dressed in amish clothes in a buggy just looking confused as all hell.
Maybe it is a test to see if you should get a promotion :pop:
Maybe but I am not surprised this isn't the first time:pop: Also he'd have to fire the guy above me or move him up there is not really anywhere for him to go.. I've kinda reached a ceiling here very small company there was only three of this afternoon.. 10 people total counting road guy and office people
Not offended, just calling it like I see it. Sorry it offends you that I have an opinion that is my own.
Not offended, I just find hypocrisy endlessly annoying. Liberty and justice for all*.

*except for people who aren't straight white men.
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