Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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:coffee:mornin folks... feelin sluggish today... dunno... maybe i just noticed im old now:haha:

One foot in front of the other, Aunite!
Get well soon!
I see aunty has been through... glad she is recovering... sounds like a long run of crappy... that sucks!
sending more healing vibes! :pass:
:coffee:mornin folks... feelin sluggish today... dunno... maybe i just noticed im old now:haha:

I see aunty has been through... glad she is recovering... sounds like a long run of crappy... that sucks!
sending more healing vibes! :pass:
It was good to hear from her.
Still trying to get my pain levels down from my trip today, 235mile RT, but it's been difficult. I puffed most of the way home to keep it somewhat at bay. I HOPE it's allergies causing a rise in inflammation and not physical damage increasing in severity.
I do know what would help............Damn VA re-authorize my chiropractic and acupuncture therapy......then maybe physical therapy after the pain is reined in a bit.

Sorry for the rant, but it's hard not to with it being so intense. If I didn't have canna right now, some sort of opiate would be tempting.

Anyway......... this post was supposed to be about Watching a cool documentary, Rise of the Great White Shark on Prime. I love Great Whites. Such an interesting animal and very fucking chilling in real life, ...........and that's with me NOT being in the water with the Great White!
From the title, I had hoped it was going to be about them hunting seals with the from the below blast method. Oh yeah! I'd love to see it in person. The times I've seen Great Whites, they were just slowly and effortlessly moving through the water. It would be cool to see such a large animal blast through the water.
I've got a three dropper cookie soaking and a bowl of [Sour Stomper X CDLC] x FORUM STOMPER...with a freshly charged Evolve Plus loaded up in reserve.

Night AFN! And feel better this morning Mossy
We get them up here on the cape. Never really did b4 that I heard of but the seal population just exploded and with that we started getting a fair amount of great whites.
Sharktivity just scroll to the Google map on the bottom and select 30 days.

And this one aren't bad for tracking them.

The kitty didn't want to leave last night. About 11:30 I was going to head into bed so I get my shoes and jacket on, open the door, she walks out into the rain and turns right around and goes back to the couch. I was like, you know what, I kinda feel the same.

So I slept on the couch and she slept on my legs.

Still can't get her to use the litter box though, she'll go outside and then I'll hear her meowing at the door 15 minutes later wanting back in.
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