Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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So I have the photone app, on android as beta and iPhone. One on iPhone is the pay version that won’t allow you to access full spectrum led without paying… if I have to pay for it, I’ll pay only for full spectrum as that’s all I have. But wondering if the beta is accurate? Don’t know but had my plants set to CFL setting. That isn’t gonna cut it. Readjusted light in MH tent for the autos. Big difference. Think I’ll check the photone stuff out before paying though. Just want to have them in the ballpark!View attachment 1565805
When I first got the Beta Photone on my Moto G android phone I compared it to the specifications on the ChilLed light tests data. It was close enough for my needs and it was free. YMMV depending on the phone used. I grew plants just fine without the meter using the data from ChilLed so having the meter is just a bonus and gives me numbers I can talk about here.
@Lil Dab thanks for the reps earlier! Root Beer Float makes some tasty rosin indeed!

I'm so happy with how my garden is looking right now!
I have that feeling also thing are starting to come together.. My biggest battle has been my water source but MOG and I are getting it dialed and stabile :headbang::cooldance::yay: Really hoping I knock this next run out of the park just trying to make sure I take my time and get everything prepped right:doc3:

:crying::crying::crying::crying:Just when you think you have it all dialed in your humidifier takes a crap on you and you get damaged plants :crying::crying::crying::crying: It just goes to show if it is not one thing it is another.

The history of why I invented stabilizing RO. When I first started using RO It did all manor of weird PH shit to my reservoir when I added it to bring the PPM down in a nutrient mix to the range I wanted. I used RO because it added only water to the mix. But it took copious amounts of up or down to keep PH in range. You know that PH+ Nitric Acid adds nitrogen, PH+ Phosphoric Acid adds Phosphorus to your nutrient mix. When you use large amounts it will change your nutrient balance. Keep in mind I am in hydro and my PPMs would change by as much as 75PPM. This was not desirable. Then I learned that RO water is hungry and will pull Co² out of the air and drop the PH to 5.5 or lower. I read somewhere that adding some base ions would mitigate this action. It can be any metal ion. I started adding a little cal-mag to the RO and Bota Boom Bota Bang it stop hijacking my reservoir PH. Then I discovered that everything mixed better without any precipitation I could see if I used this "buffered" RO. The reason I used 50 PPM of Cal_mag was because that was the lowest number my EC pen could read. Not all Cal_mags are made the same but most are calcium nitrate and Mg nitrate and maybe some iron once again a source of Nitrogen I don't want. Hence my choice of Soluble Gypsum which is Ca and Sulfur, Epsom Salt is Mg and Sulfur. Cannabis can tolerate a lot of Sulfur way more than you are likely to get in any nutrient line. I settled on .3g Soluble Gypsum and .3g Ag Epsom Salt per gallon of RO that gets me close to that 50PPM mark that most meters can read. It works well for me so I teach it.
Apparently I cracked my flood tray the other day defoliating and shit is leaking. Major problem. Got 3 hydro stores within an hour of me and none with any in stock :finger: Think mine was maybe $50 when I bought it. $211 from Amazon :yoinks:

Marine epoxy from hardware store

Use food dye in some water to find the crack. Then I would maybe use JB Plastic Weld or You could also check to see if a soldering iron would "weld" the crack shut. I have never tried to do this on a flood tray but have welded a lot of plastic stuff like that. This might give you time to find a new tray at a reasonable price.

Alright, here's some shots of what I'm calling the grow of neglect. Out of town for a week at new years, then a week hangin in a hospital, too much light, overwatered while away, way under watered the rest of the grow. I've only been feed/watering every day and half for the last month. Pots are super light at the day and a half mark. Like NO water in the pot light. Too much nitrogen going into and in flower, blasted with UVA/UVB, etc etc...

Putting the genetics through the paces thats for sure! No hermies, but plants starting throwing new pistils and a little fox tailing, but not much. Could be a bunch of reasons they've been so neglected. Crazy the abuse the plants can take! Obviously not the best work, but think it will be decent smoke in the end. The Queens Banner is probably the stickiest plant Ive grown.

Day 71

Night Owl St Expeditous ( Zamadelica Express) Wild and wooly sativa plant

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Night Owl Queens Banner in the back and Dark Owl Marathon OG in the front

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Mephisto Wedding Cake, or what I'm calling the Wedding Shrub

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Marathon OG. Buds are crazy dense. Will try Fermented Fruits smash the can with one!

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