Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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LOL I slept in, must be the Unicorn didn't get enough of a workout yesterday and woke up early and went visiting.....LOL

:pighug: Morning @Talonxracer.....Wean yourself off Slowly......or Real Life can Hit like a Brick......

Morning socialising.......what will the Kitties Think..........
Good morning all, schedule today is taking wifey to work then home, then to town when smoke shop opens to grab some gummies. I mentioned that mother in law went to hospital and got diagnosed with spinal deterioration. They gave her hydrocodone for the pain and it does nothing. So… she is gonna try some gummies(THC) and see if that helps. She smoked weed sometime in the past but was drinking at the time. Had a fall and everyone laughed. She has only smoked one other time and had a ball, but couldn’t walk very well. I figured edible will be different as it’s not immediate. There is a build up and she won’t be looking to get stoned, just dampen the effect of pain. Then after that… home. Check plants, get wife, relax, eat dinner then go to billiards. After billiards, a couple brews and bowls then sleep. That’s the plan…
Only game I’ve played consistently for years is World Golf Tour.
The only game I ever bought was a Halo game, and due to hand/finger issues I have a hard time with the controller, that is what I get for using the palm of my hands as a hammer on tools, broken and bruised bones in the hands don't heal well!
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