Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Morning I have a great Lapan/rabbit recipe @Mossy :rofl: Fillet all meat from bones salt and pepper spread tapenade on meat rollup and bake :chef: No more Supercross preditions @Frank the Dank and all It hurt my fantasy score :crying:
Pretty sure things are gonna get nutty towards the end of the looooonnnnggggg season, with the new format. Might be hard to predict anyhow :pass:
Not bad at all, temps are at 25*f and climbing, supposed to get up to 42-45*f today, a darn heat wave :headbang:
Snows already melting here. Think were already in the 40s. Suppose to rain tomorrow and 2 days ago it was -10 with windchill lol.
How ya feelin tonight @Lil Dab!? Nice and floaty here! Nice chop on the ladies! Those trichs look perfect to me, nice and racey!

:pass::cheers: first things first!
:oops1: Just missed us Goo sorry yeah feeling better by the day much better this morning :headbang::thanks::pass:
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