Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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#FunPolice :headbang:

That dentist is a pure nut job, trying to create a medical condition due to one persons whack-a-doodle habits....

Next thing you know, breathing will be an aggressive action........
:crying: Afternoon @PinkyNotTheBrain...:pass:...did you get any Sleep.........?

The music is for the rest of you....:chef:.....I'm standing making a corned beef hash.................I know which hubby Prefers........:crying:
I was going to open a can of hash to have with fried eggs this morn, but now it will be a letdown knowing you are making hash.... :shrug:
I've had to say to myself and my friends, "You chose to ride a scoot and you know how bad cage drivers pay attention to you!"
I've been lucky. I've had to laid down my bike twice and got away with some road rash. I've had friends fair faaaaar worse and a couple lost their life. Even the deaths got nothing more than a simple fucking ticket, even though they were 100% responsible for the accident.
Friends and family really wanted me to give up riding. I did just that.
In reality, it did make sense at the time. I was having balance problems from a concussion at the time. My hours of work were pretty crazy at the time and quite often I'd have to ride totally exhausted. Still bad to drive like that in a car, just more survivable.
Today, if I wanted to ride again, I think it would have to be something like a CanAm Ryker or a Can-Am Spyder F3. After a ride, I may not have full control of my right leg, at least enough to support the bike.
It's soooo true we know it, it's a risk we choose cause we love what we do. I don't think it's possible to really ride and not know someone killed on their bike and have way more you know hit and hit badly.
You kid yourself your in control cause your playing it smart with road choices, lane choices, lane positioning, playing the what if game at stop lights and intersections and planning/guessing/practicing escape routes, adding lights and clothes choices for visibilty, practicing emergency braking and manuevering and leaving extra stopping space for yourself but the truth is sometimes it's just shit luck and today's not your day.

People don't see us it's a fact, it ain't like they hate ya or want to kill ya they literally dont see ya.

They think like a car they ride your ass hard (at least pull my hair if your gonna ride my ass :rofl: )
cause in a car well that's just a dent no biggie, they don't think if he had to brake I'm gonna wail him.
They can be looking right at you, you can see their eyes and they just pull right out in front of you or swerve right into your lane on the highway. Even if they do see you they just can't gauge your speed or distance.
Saw this guy explain it, if they look fast thier brain tricks them and just fills in what they didn't see like it's painting a picture. If they stop at an intersection and do see you the fact is their almost always only seeing you with only 1 eye ya can't gauge speed or distance with 1 eye. When you see an accident and they say I never saw him or he came out of nowhere that's it. They looked fast or just didn't turn their head completely 90 degrees.
Add cell phones like MOG was saying he saw and its bad. But I'm still gonna ride.
I laughed when the other day this guy says the difference between a bicycle rider and a motorcycle rider is the bicycle rider assumes he has the right of way and is going to prove it. While a motorcycle rider assumes every car in the road wants to kill him and drives accordingly lol.
That's my plan when I hit the day I can't hold my bike up I'm buying a trike.
There's just no other feeling in the world that's like it. It don't matter what's wrong or what's going on in your life withun a few minutes in the saddle everything is just quiet and peaceful nothing could bother you.
:crying: Afternoon @PinkyNotTheBrain...:pass:...did you get any Sleep.........?

The music is for the rest of you....:chef:.....I'm standing making a corned beef hash.................I know which hubby Prefers........:crying:
Not really, the family across the street has family in from Puerto Rico so...
Gurl who u playin wit ? U can back that thang up and cook :crying::woohoo::vibe:

Morning @Mossy hoping to get a qwet started. Now that I have a general idea about how to process it all with the vacuum still I want to make cartridges for vaping. I’ll be working on the site’s server as well. .
Thanks for asking.

Thanks for Doing it..........:bighug:...we'd be Stuck without you Techies........:pass:.
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