Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '21

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A lot more than we could here. Our doors opened in. now they're scarce. We had to settle for a VW Bug to show our contortionary skills.
Did you have party lines? Not to be confused with 1-900 lets party lines. :rofl:
We had a party line and a 6-digit phone number:smoking:
A lot more than we could here. Our doors opened in.

Designed by a parent of teenagers..... :crying: lines......yeah gods......:crying:

The pop top 20 played at 7pm every everyone had their money in trying to listen to them all......round one headpiece.

If your house was burning down on Sunday at'd never get in a phone for teenagers.....
Greetings LS, quiet and lazy Sunday here. Hope you are all enjoying the same :pass:

That the movie of the day Jraven? I remember when my brother and I were a but too young to be watching Cheech & Chong, watched with my dad and all laughed.. At the end my dad said "OK that was funny but no more of those until you're older".. At least he didn't turn the movie off and let us finish it :rofl: (I think it was Up in Smoke if I recall). Also, even before then at my grandmas house we watched The Corsican Brothers, my mom and grams were in the kitchen visiting, every time we heard them moving towards the living room we changed the channel.. Funny stuff.
Woow... @RivetGrrl is on her way in....Pretend we are Working.......

Doesn't Do to look as if you are Enjoying yourself too much......:smokeout:

haha Mossy, I'm still in my pajamas sitting on the couch and it is noon. Slack away then I don't feel as guilty :smoking:
Greetings LS, quiet and lazy Sunday here. Hope you are all enjoying the same :pass:

Evening @RivetGrrl :bighug: ...choof......:whew:....been grafting all day in LS......I'm Exhausted...........if you are putting the coffee pot on..cough..cough.......:coffee2:
haha Mossy, I'm still in my pajamas sitting on the couch and it is noon. Slack away then I don't feel as guilty :smoking:

ooh, pajamamama :dancer: :eyebrows: ppp
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