Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '21

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Afternoon @automan2 :pass: ...sharing one.......

Did you see that Tip about using your aloe vera as a rooting hormone ...?
Had most of a bottle of clonex on hand so just used that. Still need to get aloe plants for new place since winter seems to have killed em all at the old place.
There's a product called 'body armor' , a health food type drink......the banana/strawberry is purported to aid in flowering. Dunno, I partake too much to actually pic out a difference...
Years ago, my Native american ancestors planted a fish, alive or dead, below their crops for a fruitful harvest. We now use their method in some form. :woohoo1:
From what I remember many years ago......MANY..............this was due to the poor soils of that particular tribe and was not a widespread method among the agrarian tribes. That may not be the case with further research since that time.
I experimented with it many years ago with a very hot compost and scraps from fishing trips. Too bad I didn't know about fermenting back then.
Look who was meowing for breakfast at the back door.
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