Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '21

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Yes, there will be kittens. :biggrin:
I keep working with her daily. She now will meow at me a little, nothing like Mr Yakety Yak . She will come to me now for petting ....better each day. She almost got up with me on the old couch I put on the back porch. It will happen soon. I'm still trying to get her more tamed so I can either get her inside to deliver the kittens or to get her to have them in a box I have with an old cat bed outside. She will come in the laundry room when I feed them in the morning.
sunsmile.pngGood Morfnoevight All! EO.

You're posting, so it didn't kill ya!:thumbsup::d5:
Fortunately it blew out the back. It could have been very dangerous had it blown forward but the way I mounted the jack that really was not possible. The hole thing needs a revamp. It is all out of square now. I am able to use it with the original hand pumped jack.

Happy Caturday!

heya kidz & welcome to this special e x t e n d e d equinox edition of the Caturday metal buffet! :stir: :kitty: i hope everybody has a purrrrfect first day o' Spring & there'z no better way to fill out the first page than with a rando shuffle from none other than, u guessed -> the boyzzzzz! :headbang: Up The Ironz! :headbang: ppp


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