just got 10 bags of horse manure deliveredHow many people get happy over shit
ok kidz, that'z it for the Caturday metal buffetdon't forget to set ur clockz ahead tonite & have a purrrrfect day!
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Silly me I forgot to post for caturday....
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"I am the wizard kitty"
Time to hit the hay............................ Good Morfnoevight All!
Mmmmm....good coffee. Morning to all that's awake.
That's exactly what I'm looking at! few hours ago...So Cute @Bmurrciless .........definitely a Face for social media......
Sleep Tight @Mañ'O'Green
Afternoon @Bill.de.Cat ........ching..ching....
View attachment 1296656
Always up between 2 and 4 am, time change isn't an issue until I hear a muffled voice saying the dog still has to go out......
Mornin' all from the lower states.
That's exactly what I'm looking at! few hours ago...