Morning all from the lower 48 where we've enjoyed 5 deg 2 weeks ago, then yesterday was 70! So typical for our end of the state...
Above post for pets is funny...our new dog has kept me busy...shoulda named him 'bobsled' 'cause I know he can drag 150 lbs at least 10 ft by himself....if my belt buckle hadn't caught a root, I may have ended up in the next county.
OMG that is beautiful but wow it must be cold. I went deer hunting in Imnaha Oregon in 1970 and it was so cold there were icecrystals covering the walls and hanging in the tent from our breath at night. Not like in that picture though.View attachment 1292272
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Now....That is Cold.......
PetFlix...£3.95 a your dog Thinks it has been on a proper walk.........
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new pupper picz plz!ppp...This is Radar........after 1K in vet bills....Thoughts of German Shepherd is fading into wolf/shepherd hybrid.... about 3 years old....intact male....we can only assume the whats, wheres, hows....wish we knew.... answers to simple voice & HAND SIGNALS. My 24/7 sidekick now for 3 weeks.
Above post for pets is funny...our new dog has kept me busy...shoulda named him 'bobsled' 'cause I know he can drag 150 lbs at least 10 ft by himself....if my belt buckle hadn't caught a root, I may have ended up in the next county.
Here ya go Mossy!! Here's a good pic of my new visitor. Every moring shes's waiting at the back door. She and Sam come up past the door sill and watch me get their food in the corner. Like Sam, she wants a little petting before feeding. She hasn't rubbed up against me yet, but I let her watch Sam do it. She'll be doing that in a few days. She's starting to come when called, even after feeding. LOL!
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I got up way too early this morning.......................... Good Morfnoevight All!