Like the tunes. That’s about the heavy that my band played in the long ago! We were cover but had 4 originals... all in the vein of Metallica, megadeth, pantera, rage against the machine... etc. I was the lead singer and rhythm guitarist.
Thanks, I got way harder and way less hard stuff I listen too, kinda a mix of anything that catches my fancy. Mostly industrial but I posted lighter stuff so no ones ears bleed
Sounds like you had fun and played some good tunes back in the day, I used to play guitar in my youth but never pursued it.
EXACTLY!psst, if it'z too heavy -> ur too fuckin old!ppp
You’ll hate half the stuff I write and play... Most of it sounds like Static-X and Bile had a musical love child that was dropped on it’s head a few dozen times...Guess I am too fuckin old................................