Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '21

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<< admitz to owning/wearing platformz back in the day...but i was really into KISS at the time, which jus happened to coincide with the disco era, so.......that'z my story & i'm stickin to it :shooty: :rofl: :headbang: ppp
Oh boy the disco years. As a person from the class of 1980 we had to do disco dancing in gym class. I was a huge rock n roller so I discoed out the door. Not to say that some disco music is appealing to me but I have to call them my secret songs as to keep this hush hush.
I even turned down a spot on the Ed Sullivan show. When I was young I played the accordion. At one lesson I had to play the beer barrel polka. Well from what I remember there is 3 accordions that play together on that and I did not know this and played all 3 together at the same time. First no one got it then my instructor got on the phone and held it out while I was playing. It was Ed on the line and he said to have the little polish kid ( I am chek ) to pic one single polka and book him.
I was furious I told the instructor that I can play cool rock songs too and did not want to be known as a polka player. He said that Ed only wants to hear polka. That was that but these secret songs from all genres I fricken love

Me Dad played accordion @Green Hornet ...hearing one always takes me back..... :pass: .....

, just like Nipper the RCA dog, and says,"Man! That's some good weed.............and what's up with those girls's voices?"


I was, still am and always will be a die-hard Rock fan.
There was only one reason I got into disco. Can anyone guess what that one reason was back then? :eyebrows::eyebrows:

So you could wear tight white flares without anyone Laughing at you......?......:eyebrows:

Nice @pop22 :pass:...for canna or veggies......?

( i gotta come up with a damn

The way Legalisation is going in Europe @420Forever'll have quite a few years to save up.......:headbang:
Who blow dried their hair...............?
Had a Mullet...?
Or..a perm......?........ :eyebrows:
Y'all are making me glad I'm as young as I am...
We really didn't...

Yeahhhh nevermind...
So my 4 inch tall platform shoes saved me from going to jail! It was around 1976. I had just left the bar and was way past the alcohol limit. I owned a 1969 Pontiac GTO 350 with 3 - 2 barrel carbs with a 4 speed turbo-hydromatic transmission built by B&M Hydro. I had just tuned it up that day and I really stomped on it and was catching rubber @100 plus MPH shifting into 3rd gear just as I sped past 3 sheriffs scrambling to get into their cars to chase me. As I hit about 140 MPH I just reach down and switched her off coasted into the 7-11 on the corner as all 3 cop cars come roaring down the street 3 abreast with sirens blaring. two pulled in front and one behind to box me in. I had roaches in the ash tray and 10 0z. of weed in the tool box in the trunk along with my deer rifle. I had resigned myself to the idea I was going to jail. As soon as the cops approached and asked me to get out of the car I warned them I had a rifle in the trunk. One cop reached in the car and grabbed the keys as they directed their attention to the trunk and the rifle. One cop was questioning me while the other two concentrated on the rifle, calling in the numbers for warrants. There were none.Then they got a call and put the rifle back in the trunk and two of them sped off. The third one decided to give me a sobriety test by walking on a 4 inch concrete planter curb. I could not do it. Then I just looked at him and asked if he could do it in 4 inch platform shoes. He broke out in a huge belly laugh and said he would not be caught dead in those shoes. Then admitted he probably could not. Since I was only a few blocks from home he decided he would just give me a ticket for going 100+ in a 35 zone. He hand cuffed me to my steering wheel while he searched his car for his ticket book. He could not find it so he told me to wait while he called a CHP to come and give me a ticket. He finally turned off the red/blue bubble gum machine lights and the anxiety level dropped considerably. A few minutes later he came over and uncuffed me and stated no CHP available so just go home and say a prayer. Oh boy did I. Saved by those funny shoes and good luck!
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