Limited light

Jul 25, 2019
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hello all, I just recently came across this site and am impressed with the info and knowledge from threads. So this is my first season back at growing (been away for a few years) grabbed some Zkittlez auto from now I’ve noticed outta bout 6 autos I have going they are all different but that could be genetics since all the same conditions grow medium so forth. Any who I got one that I planted in my garden as I lost space where I have my potted plants growing and I had planted her with another one well problem is the one that I planted on the outside is towering the Zkittlez limiting the light it gets I will add a pic just wondering if it will be ok or what my options are and in case people wonder they were supposed to be the same seeds and deff are not cause he one measured over 7 feet today and hasn’t started flowering. In the pic the auto is next to the white siding wall that auto is measuring 41” high and thoughts


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I would trim some leaves on the side the little one is.

The advantage you have outdoors vs indoors is we revolve around the sun, so its not always above and you will get lots of side lighting.

Pulling some leaves off that block the light to the little one wont hurt your plant much, if at all.

Another option if you are hesitant of taking leaves off, is to simply tuck them out of the way. The leaves will still photosynthesize the light.
To add: You can also do some lst, tie some of the stems off on the side.

All of these options will work in your case!:)
I have been tucking the runs off the other one away and I 2 branches pulled apart just the auto should be done soon and doesn’t show any signs of maturing just shooting white hairs everywhere it’s just very limited
Can you take a pic of the "buds" showing?

How old is it now?

Could be another lucky persons day they got a photo vs auto :(
Today is day 79 for them.
It’s just no where neer my other Zkittlez auto all cracked and sprouted same day just got some in ground others In bucket/ pots which are almost done


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hello all, I just recently came across this site and am impressed with the info and knowledge from threads. So this is my first season back at growing (been away for a few years) grabbed some Zkittlez auto from now I’ve noticed outta bout 6 autos I have going they are all different but that could be genetics since all the same conditions grow medium so forth. Any who I got one that I planted in my garden as I lost space where I have my potted plants growing and I had planted her with another one well problem is the one that I planted on the outside is towering the Zkittlez limiting the light it gets I will add a pic just wondering if it will be ok or what my options are and in case people wonder they were supposed to be the same seeds and deff are not cause he one measured over 7 feet today and hasn’t started flowering. In the pic the auto is next to the white siding wall that auto is measuring 41” high and thoughts

heya @Secret_garden and :welcome: to afn! :toke: and well, one thing is fer sure -> if it'z 7 ft tall & still not flowering, then nope, it'z def not an auto, lol :rofl: but seriously tho, have u tried contacting i49-? a lotta timez, when "mistakez" like that happen, they'll send ya freebiez to make up for their oopz factor...jus my 2 ctz :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

:420: :smiley1:
Im going to guess that large plant in photo [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is what your talking about.

If the other 3 are almost done, I think you have a dud auto. It looks like its still vegging aka photoperiod. The hair showing would be called "preflowers" they indicate the plant is sexualy mature. I assume no considerable bud formations? Just here and there on nodes?

This is fine, you will have two options to deal with her. And a third I wouldnt recommend.

1) Simply wait, as the days get shorter it will flower watch out for frost as it will kill the plant.
2) Cover her up every night (12 hrs) so she has no light leak -- you will force it to flower with a 12/12 cycle. (This option has a chance on budrot if there is no airflow)
3) Chop her down (not recommended)

The plus side is you should get lots of yield if it is indeed photoperiod. Indoors after you switch to 12/12 they will grow an extra 50-300% their current size depending on genes. Although I have yet to see a 300% increase, I would sooner say up to 200%.

Hope this helps!
heya @Secret_garden and :welcome: to afn! :toke: and well, one thing is fer sure -> if it'z 7 ft tall & still not flowering, then nope, it'z def not an auto, lol :rofl: but seriously tho, have u tried contacting i49-? a lotta timez, when "mistakez" like that happen, they'll send ya freebiez to make up for their oopz factor...jus my 2 ctz :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

:420: :smiley1:

Absolutely let them know, even if they dont give you freebies (im sure they will), they can make note for the breeder to inform them they are not all autos, and to correct the issue!

If there is a reference number, provide that to them!
Yea I will, obviously I know the big one can’t be an auto ita bigger and vegging out like some my other outdoor plants. But it’s just the little auto next to that big girl it’s got tons of bud more then the bucket plant in the pic just being blocked from that big one.