I'm glad you still have some ! Have you ran a AmnesiaStone99 yet ? I have still yet to run one of those, or a Nashira (from what I have).
Excited for both. I've tried to germ 2 Nashira's, one dropped husk and had the cotyledon out but I pulled it for some reason or another. The other never cracked !
Have you done any off the Gladiator grow off's yet ? LMK if you want to get one going at some point bro I'd love the badge and it'd be fun, win or lose. I would need to get a stealth cabinet going again because I'm shutting down my indoor stuff otherwise and taking it outside. Either of you doing anything outside?
Thanks for the kind words
@Discretepete2676 @sanguine - I'll catch up on your grows soon. My journal would be pretty boring without you guys ! LOL