Lime green seedlings - overwatering? (updated)

Oct 21, 2020
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Hello everyone, this never happened to me so I could use any kind of advice

Seedlings 1 week old from seed germination
Biobizz light mix, no nutes until yesterday (gave them a little bit of fish mix, under minimum dosage + algamic + today algamic foliar spray in case this is deficiency)
Leaves are lime green, brown spots started to appear yesterday in general leaves seem unnaturally curved ...

It seems to me after yesterdays feeding the lime green is moving away from the center of the plant but i am not sure

I think i might have overwatered them last week, so i gave them plenty of time to dry out

ph used 5.8-6.0

im using LED lights

Please help me out here, never experienced this no idea what to go after


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looks like nutrient burn to me. could be ph issue too but i think its just high nutes in the soil.
I'd be adjusting my feeds to around the 6.5 in soil mate and feeding at half strength increasing weekly , biobizz is pretty mild stuff and pretty hard to over do when used as directed :thumbsup:
Why do people feed before 2 weeks in soil? You're just looking for problems. And how much are you watering? Anything more than a light ring around them the first 2 weeks is over watering.
They don't need nutes that young especially if there is some in the soil already, stick to just water for a little and see if the new growth bounces back. Check the soil ph that could be an issue as well.