Well there ain't much down time around these parts I already had the next round going

Figured I'd update in here and then divide them into into their own threads.... So today is start of week 3 Day 12 and girls are always seeming behind schedule and start getting bit yellow so I topped dress a little earlier then I typically would normally wait till end of week... Plus I am adding some CoM earthworm casting and lobster meal so I hopefully don't need to add cal-mag to my watering this will be first time using these two ferts

Temps and rh are decent pushing the light to them got it as high to the top of tent as I can girls are getting right around 30 dli at 18/6 @ 48" to top of pots see how they do

This about where I leave my light set I just turned the dimmer down a tad
I topped dressed with 1/2 cup of earthworm castings, 1/4 CoM plant food 5-2-4, 1/8 cup lobster meal 6-2-0 scratched in a little then water in with RO water and bit of Silca, Kelp, Humic, Omina, Amino, yucca, and some Monterey insect spray(spinosad) just incase there is anything down below I did see a couple you know what flying around

I gave them a good heavy watering since i hadn't done anything in a few days pot were pretty dry they'll be good for a few days again maybe sprayer in between
Autoseeds Rainbow glue Day 12
Seedstockers Rucu Cucu OG Day 12
Seedstockers Mac and Crack Day 12