Lighting lighting

NEED MORE HELP. ive decided to go with a 400w dimmable ballast so ive got more control.
got 4 cuttings of cheese in my tent. ive got my light on 250w and its about just over a foot above plant tops. ive got the thermometer on the floor and I had an over night low temp of 18.4 C. is this too cold?
should I lower the lamp or will this harm the plants?
where is the best place to put the thermometer for the best reading?
whats the ideal temp for plants at this stage??

this is my first grow so need lots of advise

you can see my thermometer in the middle is this ok here. got a fan on the left corner blowing away which is creating a slight breeze around the tent. ive read this will make the plants stronger.

all advise is welcome cheers.....sleepy
As regards the light schedule, I do the same thing (Ireland), i have the light off starting at mid day so it'll be the warmest (in theory during the 24 hours), I'm only a first time grower also but i did 18 months of research before i jumped into it, having the thermometer on the floor is fine, I just rested it on top of the pots just so I would get a reading how hot or cold it was around the plants, if you can hang it 15-20 inches from your reflector, this will give u the reading of how hot it is from the light as 18-20 inches is the perfect range from light to the plant

Ideal long as you don't incinerate them they're fine..90F is the absolute max, if you're hitting the mid 80's put a home made bottle of CO2 using sugar and dried yeast to help em... I try and keep them in or around 77F - 83F. Anything under 10 degrees centergrade ( <---spelling????) will potentially harm them and slow their production, the fan is perfect where it is just make sure the light is at the right height, by all means if you can cool the light you can bring it closer to the plant

Hope that made sense, I'm a first time grower too so my adivse might not be as full proof as an experienced grower...have fun with it, you'll get the feel of your girls after time