@Mañ'O'Green I will join have auto cobs, my cobs ,their cobs and some her cobs also.
Hi @midIN welcome I need to have a better description of the COBs you will be using How many, brand and spectrum (3500K) and the size of the grow space they cover.
What for 1×1 panels?

Hi @midIN welcome I need to have a better description of the COBs you will be using How many, brand and spectrum (3500K) and the size of the grow space they cover.
My bad didn't know had to have certain type of cobs. Never mind them. Thank you
You do not need a certain kind I just need to know what you have. I deleted the duplicate.
2700k, 3500k, 4700k, 5700k, 6500k, auto cobs, my built cobs, crxsunny, have some 1750k also that I'm almost done with also. My brother builds cobs and led boards and stadium lights for Americas largest lighting company so have some that are customer cob boards made to multiple spectrum