New Grower Light advice

Aug 15, 2015
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Hi fellas as always plowing through the internet of things trying to educate myself regarding HPS & LED i was nearly swung on the LED clearly they came on leaps and bounds in the past couple of years but efficiency in energy saving isnt a my number one priority at the minute and it looks like HPS still comes out on top results wise with yield and quality. On that note I been searching for the best HPS lights and system and found this article would anyone strongly disagree with there claims or like to add weight to their results and opinions as it will influence my final decision. heres the link i found most useful so far

PS - do cool tubes diminish the ability of the light to build buds i.e does it take away the PAR/LUMENS hitting the canopy ? are there any draw backs to cool tubes - the guys in my local hydro store seem to frown upon them a little.

Kind regards as always
The Pear.
Yeah mate im happy to go with a Gavita DE im just searching for people opinions on the best HPS lights be it Gavita or another brand

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Cheers mate this is helpful. All though this info is jan 2014 a little old and it looks like they tested different lights with different hoods which means there could be a few discrepancies. Any of you knowledgeable chaps like to give me your two penneth on this topic

The Pear

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Phillips DE bulb has a light output of 2100 micromols, Hortilux SE HPS is 1798. Regardless of reflector, DE will output more par, and will last much longer before the bulb needs replacing over SE hps.
I love my sunlight systems LEC315! Many of the advantages of HPS and LED. Low heat, no noise, full spectrum including UVA and UVB, low power draw.
I love my sunlight systems LEC315! Many of the advantages of HPS and LED. Low heat, no noise, full spectrum including UVA and UVB, low power draw.
I'll take a look at them mate have you got a link? I'm considering all my options.
Arrrr light information over load ! just found this - this fella recons his 1000w led is out performing a 1000w hps for yield do you fellas believe him anyone tried this light out ?

If you're looking at led, look at cob lighting. Specifically with Cree, Vero, or Citizen cobs.

Some lights to consider. PLC CX300, designed for even coverage of a 3'x3' (I have one, performs similarly to my 600w se before)

Tasty led. More options, bar designs to accommodate most grow sizes. And different efficiency options(50%,53%)

A51 led, northern grow lights, Johnson, timber. Of course DIY is fairly easy if you want high end efficiency on a budget.

For most cheap blue/red led fixtures on the market you'll need about a watt for watt equivelance to match the performance of HPS. I would choose DE, SE , or CMH over most low efficiency led panels, as long as you have adequate cooling.