New Grower life span of autos

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Breeder hype, that makes sense. I've also read that they only do so well in ideal conditions. So when do you know when to start flushing? I worry that the flushing may cause the plants leafs to start yellowing prematurely.

I've also read a thread about people not getting amber trichomes with autos, so I'm really confused as to when to start flushing and when to harvest. If flushing doesn't cause the yellowing, if its only based on age, knowing when to harvest should be no problem.

Thanks for the help everyone!

yes, flushing prematurely could cause the plants to yellow/leaf drop earlier..... but that's due mostly to the relationship between the plant and the soil, and the science of mobile vs. immobile nutrients..... not worth going into a science lecture, but some nutrients, (such as N, which gives the lovely green growth mostly) are mobile, and will be pulled out of unneccessary parts of the plant as needed, as determined by the plant. Hence flushing at the end, to get rid of the extra, unused nutrients, and to make the plant pull said nutes from elsewhere in it's own system in an attempt to efficiently finish the flowering process...... and get all of those nasty plant/fert tastes in the end product......

Ideally, you want the plant to only have what it needs nutrient wise for the whole grow, and then use up it's own reserves in the end, thus eliminating the need for a "flush".... hence the latest craze of growing "all organic" ;)