Old Reviews Let's talk Organic Soil.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mr Piggy
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always a god idea to protect yourself from ANY dust or foreign objects.... lungs are for clean air only.... and marijuana smoke... and if you're a cig smoker... then cigs... but not recc... lol

fungus, good or bad in your soil... is not good in your lungs... however... typically they are harmless to humans... :toke:

this from your article is excellent advice!!!!

"Gardeners should wear gloves whenever handling soil, compost, fertiliser or pesticides and also to wash hands thoroughly after been in the garden. We'd suggest not opening bags of compost or potting media with your head right over it and to consider wearing a dust mask when turning compost heaps and handling potting media or other dusty materials."
I do have auto immune conditions, and I'm not worried about a little soil interaction. I certainly don't line up rails of it and grab a straw, but I do see your point in trying not to breathe it in, which is why I wear a mask. The damage from working with a little perlite isn't much in one shot, but add up dozens and hundreds of soil mixings and you have the conditions for silicosis. I also throw pots on the wheel every so often so I try to keep my lungs clear of silica, dig? I have a friend with silicosis and he has maybe ten or twenty good years left, but he ain't going past 50. As far as gloves........I kinda like getting all caked in dirt and poo. A pig must waller after all :D Safety third!
I'm with ya on that one Mr Piggy my hands go into the dirt with out gloves just about every time, butI try to keep most particulates out of my lungs. :smokebuds:
mr piggy...this is a bit off topic but do you have any experience with the grow more sea grow nutes that sniper420 and a few others use and swear by? im really getting interested in this stuff as its all organic and super simple to use. best results seem to be in a supplemented soil too.
I had no Idea sea grow was organic. I'm still skeptical about that as I haven't seen it certified organic? What this thread is about is living soils. Either way, sea grow has it's own thread.

I went out rooting and found dirt's soil recipe from another thread. He gets staggering results using just this soil mix and water. I'm sure he won't mind me posting it here as this is the organic soil thread.

I just got on here now,I spent almost 3 hours trying to figure out how to get my files off my broken laptop..
My mix was one of those files..

I'm not using rev's exact mix..although Rev was a big influence and his knowledge was a great help.
I'm north of the border and alot of the ingredients the rev uses are not available here.
there's plenty of good mixes out there..LC's mix,sub's super soil,vic high's mix and the rev's..aswell as other's..
to be honest...I kinda winged it and got lucky..

Disclaimer:Here's my mix but use it at your own risk I am not liable for any damages you may incur and may become subject to or any unsatisfactory results you may be pissed off with.

50 gal base

3 cu. ft coco
1 bag mushroom compost
20 gal recycled soil.

total of 50 gal base.

14-15 cups oyster shell
1kg or 7 cups kelp meal
6 cups prilled lime
3 cups alfalfa meal
4 cups blood meal
4 cups bone meal
4 cups rose and flower 5-3-8
3 cups dolomite powder
4.5 cups rock phosephate
3 cups soft rock phosephate
4.5 cups flower power 4-10-4
2 cups DE
6 cups greensand
and one small can of fish food for good luck.

after cooking for awhile I still had a high ph of 8.0 so I tried to lower it by adding..

7 gallons peat {nature mix brand}
+1 cup alfalfa
2cups high n guano
2 cups vegano 3-3-3 all purpose
which proved to have no effect.

I will mention that I thought I might have used to much dolomite in the mix but it seems to have worked out fine so far,the microbeasties keep the balace.

you must use chlorine and chloramine free water..I alternated each watering between distilled and bubble tap water.

I still need to buy an RO unit or a good water filter.

sorry it took me so long to post it up.

If I can think of anything else I might have forgot I'll post it.
I had no Idea sea grow was organic. I'm still skeptical about that as I haven't seen it certified organic? What this thread is about is living soils. Either way, sea grow has it's own thread.

Many apologies MrPiggy! :bow: I didnt mean to get way off topic...I was thinking of using the seagrow as a supplement to an organic soil mix and valued your opinion on it. I have checked out the SG thread and most of the comments are from people who use/suggest it. Sometimes you just need a SKEPTICAL pig's perspective! :peace:
No no, I was the one being grumpy. Heh, I was thinking about that on the way home and felt like I was rude(fair warning, don't daydream on a bike). You actually got me to look into sea grow again and I think I'm gonna pick some up and give it a shot. I like to try different grow tek and let's face it, sea grow is cheap and easy.... like me little pig.gif. I've never used it so I have no idea how it would interact with TLO but I have used bottled nutes with TLO before and I can say for sure I had better results using guano tea. Teas and organic soil mixes go hand in hand. That and the mad scientist feel from aerating a brew and watching it foam is fun! Boil boil, toil and trouble....
No no, I was the one being grumpy. Heh, I was thinking about that on the way home and felt like I was rude(fair warning, don't daydream on a bike). You actually got me to look into sea grow again and I think I'm gonna pick some up and give it a shot. I like to try different grow tek and let's face it, sea grow is cheap and easy.... like meView attachment 93411. I've never used it so I have no idea how it would interact with TLO but I have used bottled nutes with TLO before and I can say for sure I had better results using guano tea. Teas and organic soil mixes go hand in hand. That and the mad scientist feel from aerating a brew and watching it foam is fun! Boil boil, toil and trouble....

No worries! Cool that you are going to try it too. I ordered some a couple of days ago and it should be here soon. It will be interesting to see how it works in your soil mix. What does TLO stand for anyway? I know that its a made organic mix, but not what it stands for. Guano teas always seem to do a great job plus the benefit of outstanding flavor. I will be very interested to "sea" (:D) if you work out a feed schedule with the sea grow, where you can still add a tea here and there.
I will be very interested to "sea" (:D)

I sea what you did there ;)

TLO stands for True Living Organics. It's a term coined by the Rev from skunk magazine. TLO is a truly alive and active soil full of microbial life that can carry a plant through life without the need for a flush.