Indoor Lets do it again! No balls this time!

It looks like the water might be a little high in the DWC bucket but I've only read about it and not done it. Maybe @loopy looper can give some advice for starting out in DWC i know he recommends hydroguard if your doing dwc and maybe since your doing 2 dwc get 2 pumps that each have 2 out-port and swap them. I'm high I know but I mean place 1 air stone from each pump in each bucket so if 1 pump fails you don't loose crop. :D
It is a new idea I had on the sponge. It should work as well, maybe better. She said she did not have access to gardening equipment in winter. So I thought what was similar to my GH root plugs. They feel like sponge cake. So I thought a sponge should work. I think a natural one will do better than a cellulose one. We just have to sit back and see now.
Well deserved for the help:slap:
It looks like the water might be a little high in the DWC bucket but I've only read about it and not done it. Maybe @loopy looper can give some advice for starting out in DWC i know he recommends hydroguard if your doing dwc and maybe since your doing 2 dwc get 2 pumps that each have 2 out-port and swap them. I'm high I know but I mean place 1 air stone from each pump in each bucket so if 1 pump fails you don't loose crop. :D
If the water level is lower than the root plug or hydrotons, how will the roots get nutrient solution? You have to reach a little way up the medium. It can be lower once the roots get long, but that is not the point. It is called Deep Water Culture for a reason. The more nutrient solution the better. It holds a more stable ph and temp, then you get more nutrients and water to use.
@Krypt247 you should give DWC a try. It is easy, cheap and high performance. Hydro is perfect for indoors, because you get to control everything easily. You also do not have bring soil in and out of the house. That is a big deal for people like me. I live in the heart of a city. My apartment is not on a farm. :smoking:
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So would u say that the sponge works just as good as say rockwool.
I would have never have thought about using a sponge it just goes to show how helpful this forum and the people on it are
Today I noticed the seeds were starting to pop out of their nest. I think the sponge may be a little too dense for them to push through, so I took them out and poked a hole through the sponge to give them a channel to borrow through. I think it is going to work fine. A great idea for someone in a pinch or just a good way to save some coin.

It looks like the water might be a little high in the DWC bucket but I've only read about it and not done it. Maybe @loopy looper can give some advice for starting out in DWC i know he recommends hydroguard if your doing dwc and maybe since your doing 2 dwc get 2 pumps that each have 2 out-port and swap them. I'm high I know but I mean place 1 air stone from each pump in each bucket so if 1 pump fails you don't loose crop.
Like Hal said the water has to be high enough to keep the sponge wet once I move them in. I also filled it up higher because there is going to be some evaporation before the seeds are ready to move in. I think you need to do a hydro grow with me:smokeit:
Twist his arm Hal!!
Do not move the seeds anymore. They need to be left alone. They will get through a simple sponge. Roots will crack rocks, concrete, and pipes, that sponge is nothing. But they do have to be left alone to penetrate. They grow into it.