Indoor Lets do it again! No balls this time!

I personally don't think it looks over watered as new growth is perky and its just the large fan leafs that's a bit droopy but u find that some times when the plant is small with large heavy fan leafs
Hi Krypt glad you dropped in!! I was worried about over watering also but she is always droopy like that? One of my last plants did the same thing no matter what. I won't water again until she dries out but I wish she would communicate better than always just being a downer!
@2Stoned2Care that is a beautiful plant. Thanks!

She will stand tall once she's happy.
It looks good and healthy. Do not alter the watering. They like to dry out a bit, then get a good flooding. Think of it as summer thunderstorms. That allows the soil to reload with oxygen between waterings. That is the most important part of the roots, the oxygenation. That is why DWC and aeroponics are so incredible.
You might want to get the light a little closer. They go wild for the light intensity.
Day 21
She has put on some height and I no longer think she needs to be trained. A wise grower(who is mentoring me through this grow)basically told me to keep my hands to myself and not overcomplicate things. Wise words! She seemed to agree with him by adding some height and spreading herself out all by herself.



The baby seems fine, but is taking her sweet time. Day 6
That is the type of growth you get, when you give ideal conditions, and leave it alone.

I think the other one looks great also. It is doing its growth below the soil line. That is why they seem slow the first few weeks. They are building the foundation. Then after the roots are ready, she will grow faster that any plant you have ever seen before. I have seen an auto grow over four inches in one day.
Looking really really good there that is a nice healthy lady I hope my NL takes the same structure as ures with plenty side branching keep up the good work:drool:
Ha! I'm not doing anything but giving water when needed and staring at her daily!! Your girl is taking off nicely. She will be a big girl before you know it!
I think the NL will get to about three feet tall. Expect an inch or more of growth a day now. That will be the next two weeks or more. Keep that light close, and let her feast.
She is growing about an inch a day now and the light is 6inches away. I'm keeping it low for the auto diesel but I will have to raise it in a few days. I guess I will have to find something strong enough to raise the hydro bucket up. Thanks for your input!