Just enough pips bud!!Can never have too many, as long as they get grown!!
I did a passion [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] a few seasons ago in the partial sun garden....I had a privately bred auto turn hermy on me that season(grrr, my own fault for not watching them closer) and the passion was close to it and was semi pollinated, so there was some seed. The toke was really quite nice, but she never filled out too great(combination of limited light and seed forming held her back)
I would try the passion again, but it always seems to get bumped off the list by other strains i find more desirable.
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Yee.. it’s one of the strains they push as one you can get away with growing in rubbish weather!
Worked for meeee! [emoji1360]
The best thing was the mold resistance. (Very important here)