New Grower Lest see what yield I can get with 35$ total in material.

Dec 4, 2016
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Whats up ladies and gents, TWG here with possibly the cheapest indoor grow ever. Lol obviously I'm exaggerating :smoking:now let me give you a little more detail on this journey this will actually be my first indoor grow ever as well as my first Autoflower grow.

Like the title states I'm going to see how much I can pull off 1 plant with just 35$ in material and that's for everything light soil tent/room and seed. Now the seed I got for free when I ordered my 4 fast buds seeds from sensibleseeds I got a total of 6 free seeds 1 fastbuds GSC and 5 premium select old man socks auto.

So long story short I'm saving my fastbuds till I can get the right equipment to do the seeds justice. Once I get my tax return so I can buy my lights I need but I'm too excited to wait that long and I figured what the heck I got 5 seeds I don't really care about and I just want to get a girl going for the fun/experience of doing it so when I am able to do the fastbuds I will at least have 1 grow under my belt.

I know it's not the best setup but we will see what happens in the end :eyebrows: Now here's what I've bought with the 35$
2 bags of Promix organic soil-14$
8 6500k 23 watt cfls-9$
3 rolls of aluminum foil-4$
18 gallon tote-4.50$
1 roll of clear tape-3.50$

For a total of 35$ that wasnt like a set budget of 35$ it just happened to be that's what I spent. I will probably buy some veg/flower nutes but noting over 20$. Now as for the 3x3 room I'll be growing in, well let's just say it was free I just had to build it. It's made with cardboard and a wood pallet I got from target.

I'm going to lst/scrog this girl just to get the feel of working with the plants and y not like I said I'm just doing this for the experience. I'll be doing a full journal if u want to follow along Ill be more then happy to see what all you guys have to say:woohoo:



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Nice man I'll be following this thread. I have 7 CFLs at the moment in a small tent waiting for a old style Mars 300.
I don't know about the foil paper I've read that it won't be as good to reflect but to keep the area hot, but i could be wrong. I'm pretty sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
Happy growing man:pass::smoking:
@nizmoKush thanks and yea the aluminum foil is not the best Reflective material, if I can find the sunblock windshield reflectors for cheap enough I'll buy some but for now foil will have to do. Not really worried about the yeild I just want to see what I can do with bare minimum materials :thumbsup:
The bean has popped and will be getting put in the soil tonight. Also went to a used goods store and bought a 65 watt lights of america cfl light and fixture to add to the room I will now have a total of 11 cfl lights in this space. I also ordered some Terpinator off amazon should be here by Thursday. Read some good reviews on the stuff and wanna see how it works.