Lemon OG Haze - Wrinkly Leaves & Light Blotchy Discoloration

Jul 19, 2017
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Currently Smoking

Above is my grow journal in case you need any details of the grow.

This past saturday I hung up my Viparspectra 600w Veg/Bloom LED. Initially hung it too close, came back an hour later and temperatures shot up to around 105F. My blue Mystic wasn't affected, though the Lemon OG Haze's leaf edges curled up. Due to the circumstances of how it happened and after reading I figured it to be heat stress. The leaves were a healthy green, just a tad curled at the edges. Eventually the temperature got back down to 80F on the dot, 35% RH, after I had opened up the vents, flaps, and turning my central air for the house down to 71 [typically on 73 in the summer]. By yesterday the leaves were mostly uncurled around the edges and seemed to be recovering.

Fast forward to today - I just checked the plant when I got home and while the leaves look better as far as the edges being 'mostly' uncurled, now the leaves look sort of wrinkly/wilted/etc. It had been about 4 days since I watered it, so I gave it some water [stuck my finger all the way in the dirt up to the top knuckle and it was relatively dry, not moist or anything]. The temperature for some reason went to 84F [think I forget to set the central air before I left for work DOH], so I set the air for the house back down to 71. Now the temperature is back down to 80F and 35%RH.

I attached some pictures, you can see the wavyness/wrinkles on the leaves, and I'm not sure if you guys can see it but if you look closely enough there's light blotchyness starting to develop on the leaves? I'm not sure what's going on, can someone help? Other than that the plant looks healthy.

The helps much appreciated


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Here's a few more pics of the leaves up close, all the leaves are like this btw. Hopefully someone can shed more light on this. I looked at one of the leaves near the bottom and a couple have these spots. I uploaded a pic, though it's under the LED, hopefully still a reasonable pic. :(


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Are these blotchy leaves the ones that got light stress?Check under the leaves and rest of plant for insects.How old is the affected plant and what are you feeding her?
Are these blotchy leaves the ones that got light stress?Check under the leaves and rest of plant for insects.How old is the affected plant and what are you feeding her?

Hey, thank you for the reply, appreciate that.

I've just had them in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil since the beginning, no nutes only because FF OF seems to be loaded with nutrients as is, and I figured instead of risking feeding it through veg with nutes - I just went and bought FF Big Bloom for when it gets into flowering. The Lemon OG Haze in that picture is 11 days old from sprout, give or take a day.

I looked under the leaves, no insects, though all the leaves seem to exhibit the same characteristics as far as being wrinkled goes. There seems to be little rust color spots on the bottom leaves, though not the top sets of leaves. [I posted one pic of the little rust colored spots up top there, though that pic I posted is the biggest spot out of them all.

Also, from the time it sprouted up until now i as using water from the hose in the front of the house [has high iron content apparently, just found this out] The last two waterings though I've used gallon jug spring water [hope that's ok].

Thinking of picking up an accurate 8 pH meter.

Thank you
Hey, thank you for the reply, appreciate that.

I've just had them in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil since the beginning, no nutes only because FF OF seems to be loaded with nutrients as is, and I figured instead of risking feeding it through veg with nutes - I just went and bought FF Big Bloom for when it gets into flowering. The Lemon OG Haze in that picture is 11 days old from sprout, give or take a day.

I looked under the leaves, no insects, though all the leaves seem to exhibit the same characteristics as far as being wrinkled goes. There seems to be little rust color spots on the bottom leaves, though not the top sets of leaves. [I posted one pic of the little rust colored spots up top there, though that pic I posted is the biggest spot out of them all.

Also, from the time it sprouted up until now i as using water from the hose in the front of the house [has high iron content apparently, just found this out] The last two waterings though I've used gallon jug spring water [hope that's ok].

Thinking of picking up an accurate 8 pH meter.

Thank you
I use FFOF and you're going to want to feed still. cannabis is a hungry plant man. Government Planted a cannabis field to soak up radiation in Chernobyl . They're fiends for sucking up anything in that soil.
I use FFOF and you're going to want to feed still. cannabis is a hungry plant man. Government Planted a cannabis field to soak up radiation in Chernobyl . They're fiends for sucking up anything in that soil.

Hey thank you very much for the reply! I didn't know that. What would you recommend for the nutrients, something like FF Grow big? And if so - would I just follow the back of the label, aside from having to dilute it down [1/4 strength?] ,based this on what I'd read from other threads on here. I had also read that autoflowers can be sensitive to nutrients, that's the only reason I held back on it.

So I should start feeding this plant as it sits now, seeing as to how it's now going on only 12 days old?

I appreciate the help, thanks.
Ended up making a quick trip to Lowes for a soil test kit. Mix capsule of powder with 4 parts water to one part soil in test tube, add distilled water, shake, let settle, compare color.

Ended up being around 6.5-6.8 PH according to the soil test.

The test kit has tests for phosphorus and potassium

Not sure why I even figured to get the test kit, but it didn't break the bank, and figured why not.
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:toke:-- all light/heat stress related man,... higher T and low RH% make matters worse, as it puts transpiration/water stress into the equation too,.. the plant is trying to cool off with water evaporation,... the higher your temps, the lower RH% goes,...30's is stressing, 20's is bad news coming! try to keep that RH% in the 40's at least for 80'sT, 50's better,...
:thumbsup: A8 unit is the bomb mate, don't delay, if you grow soil, this is your best friend! I'm happily surprised the soil pH wasn't fucked, as FF soils are dubious these days; many many bags showing low 5''s pH! :finger: ... as for nutes' you'll need both GB and Tiger Bloom, not Big Bloom alone,.. look at the NPK#'s, all decimal range,.. this is so weak, it's not a fertilizer IMO, but it's a fine supplement for what all the other ingredients bring... start at 1/4 str., and ease up from there as she grows,... be sure to pH adjust, adding any Ca-Mg first, then nute's, then adjust if needed,... high Fe content water may be an issue,.. it may interfere with other nute's uptake, and in this form, the Fe isn't even available to the plant,...