Lighting LED Information Overload

lol :pass: its ur money Bro , but

chinese crap with cree ( or vero or citizen ) cob + meanwell driver + 3 years warantly

i order light there since 2 or 3 years , ive never to complain

at least get a look at autocob shop ( Bigsmo )
I just read about 3K - 3200K is the best range for veg-bloom, has this all been tested or is everyone just throwing around random numbers that THEY think is the best temp light?

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when it come to the best range that depend on the make of cob but only by a fraction. 3000-3500k is the best range to sit in for an over all grow space, veg and bloom. For just Veg 4000k is perfect... one thing to consider for the future but not for your first build is a mixed spectrum. In one of my spaces I'm running 3000k and 4000k. Not out of design but out of what was left in the box... all the cola's under the 4000k are that little bit fatter. Not saying that 4000k is the best spectrum but luckily I have stumbled across a nice mix with adding in a few 4000k to the 3000k and the buds that get more of the greener blue spectrum from the 4000k are that little bigger by a couple %. those observation are with clones.

there are 3 names in COB's to keep in mind and the only names worth buying.

citizen (clu48 range) - lower end cob but will still out perform an hps ( I recommend this is where you start before spanking the cash)

vero - mid range price and some will argue that the vero 29's have the better spectrum out all the cobs

Cree CXA/CXB range - the high end price and some would say the best cobs on the market
I've wrapped my head around a lot, so from my understanding COB lights get much better light per watt compared to the epistar LEDs, correct? Also I'm still stuck on the Kelvin scale, what temp light do I need? 3000K, 3500K, 5000K? I just want to make sure that my plants are absorbing all the light they can, I don't want to waste light in areas that have nothing growing, I want to give it all to the plants. So I don't want to over-do it either, pumping XXX Watts when I'm wasting XX Watts because most of it isn't hitting the plants, if that makes sense.... ha ha

I'm from AUSTRALIA, but.... this might sound awkward, but I don't smoke! I do it for the missus & for close family friends.

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for Quantum Broad kits in Oz, these are the best of best. If you gonna go DIY you can't get better than QB's
I shouldn't be buying from AliExpress, everyone has been saying not to buy Chinese crap, I rather invest my money in a small US/AUS company even if it costs me more [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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let me re phrase that... when we talk about not buy Chinese we are talking about Chinese run company's pre build units on Amazon, Ebay and the lower end stuff that cost around the £150 mark. The burple kinda lights and not to mention names but company's like Mars, Black Dog etc. and even the high end like Kind. All LED parts are made in china and I mean all of them. Company's in America and the EU buy those parts and assemble them them selves or get that done in China. How well that's done and with what parts is dependent on how much you pay them. I can get a custom light commissioned with the best parts in the world but its gonna cost you and arm and a leg if I wish to market it.

AliExpress and Alibaba are just brokers for the big tech factories. Yes you have to be little carefull with some but they are selling genuine stuff. Your just cutting the middle man out once you know what your buying... my recommendation, buy a HLG kit. You know what your getting, the best. Once you know what whats done some grows, hung out in the shed talking lights with us, you will be much more up to speed and ready to take on those Chinese dealers... I will be doing an order this coming new year.
You can buy kits from the us pre assembled for reasonable prices

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He is in OZ that's c gonna cost a bomb on postage
I got a quote recently and its not too bad, was $88 USD for postage to oz

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HLG will just send you there that is there official Australia sockist