New Grower LED and heat question.

Nov 21, 2014
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I'm not sure how I will keep my grow closet heated to 78-80 degree's when I install the 4" inline fan and carbon filter. I will most likely have to put a heater in there but won't the fan draw the heat out and replace with room temp. 70 degree air? 2x5x8 tall closet, 1 300 watt LED grow light 1 maybe 2 plants at a time. Plus small heater if needed. Thoughts or idea's to straighten me out ?
I have the same problem in the winter, I use a speed controller and turn it down soit doesn;t suck the warm air out.I also run several bigger cfls with reflectors that give off some heat.If that doesn't work you might have to use a small heater.
75 TO 80 degrees is perfect when growing with leds. It will eat the food alot better at those temps and grow like a champ. I have a 300 watt actual draw 155. You should be able to grow one wicked sized plant with it for sure. A easy quarter pound with dp genetics. I have a oil heater on 95% of the time whether on low or high. I live where it gets really cold though minus 32 degrees celcius last night with a daytime high of minus 20. Plan to run a heater and adjust from there bro. Or suppliment with floros and bulk your plants up. But I am running close to 1400 true watts of led and still need a heater lol
Under- light your plants from the bottom with CFLs. They will give off some heat. Or get a heat lamp and run that. Ive always been nervous about running open heat like a heater in my room. Im paranoid of fires :/
Oil heaters are safe bro I run one constantly It is not like those little blast furnaces It just heats up the oil inside. Even the little balst furnaces have a trip if they are moved the slightest they go off. If your wiring is not up to par being 1500 watts on average can cause allot of heat at the outlet and into the cord. If your hydro is up to par I would go with a oil heater no problem. Those 1000 watt ballast's they scared me they would heat up at the cord quite frequently. when running two or three