Lighting LED Action Shots - Show and Tell


Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
Let's see those LEDs in action kids :clap:

Tell us -

What light you're using


What plant is featured in the pic

LED cannaporn anyone??? :dancer:

BlackStar 240w UV
DP Auto Blueberry


Advanced LEDs

Advanced LEDs / DS100 & Extreme Flower 120 = 220 actual watts used w/ UV

Auto Blue Mystic ... Day 13 ... 3 gal pots
Sweet Pics Chester :smokebuds:

Girls look sweet to bro :drool:
When I look at the pictures of LEDs in action I notice the walls are covered in foil. I think this is because most pictures I have seen are in tents. I am a few months away from acquiring my LED lights and have been planning to use white shelf liner as a reflector. Everything I have read about this states the white reflects more light than the foil. Is there a reason I am seeing foil when LEDs are in use?
I have a roll of Mylar waiting to be put up ... it will make a difference because it is much more reflective ... Notice the difference in reflectivity on the walls of these two Grows ... :toke:

View attachment 148056

Shiny Side Foil
View attachment 148057
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I love the LED shots not only do they grow awesome bud they look cool as hell to.
Tin foil is a no-no, mylar is a yes yes, lol. The sun shades you get at the auto store are almost the same material as the inside of a grow tent...
My Little Setup :D

View attachment 149346

Light Used:
BlackStar LED 100w UV UFO
Plants under it..
2 RQS 'Quick Ones' at the back
2 Greenhouse 'Super Critical Auto' in front
1 Nirvana Short Rider in the Middle

hope to get 1 or 2 more ufo's and move them to a Growtent ;)

peace out..:wiz:
My little utopia :D 17 plants, 12 different strains, 2 magnum plus leds at a total of 714 watts :smokeit: