Hey RustyRuss,Looks like you've got things under control, plants look great.
I'm about to start a run with Autopots and Remo and was curious as to how your ppm lined up with the Remo Nutrient Calculator recommendations? In other words, what is the ml per gal/Litres that you are feeding?
I am currently at 740ppm and 5.50 ph so about 1/3 to 1/2 the recommended strength according to Remo. Am using RO water. Basically I start at 50% strength and then add RO water to bring the ppm down to the desired level. I have read and been told that less is more or better especially with autos and it has proven out. Full strength would probably put the ppm @ 1400 or higher. I test daily and things are going good.
Love the set and go part of Autopots. I also use a small circulating pump in the res and flush my lines once every 2 weeks or so. So far so good. Tallest plant is almost 3 ft and room at the top of the tent is getting crowded.
Good luck with your grow. Send me a link when you start and I would happily sub in for the grow and show.