Grow Mediums leaves yellowing and edges brown?

Looks like you've got things under control, plants look great.:thumbsup:

I'm about to start a run with Autopots and Remo and was curious as to how your ppm lined up with the Remo Nutrient Calculator recommendations? In other words, what is the ml per gal/Litres that you are feeding?
Hey RustyRuss,
I am currently at 740ppm and 5.50 ph so about 1/3 to 1/2 the recommended strength according to Remo. Am using RO water. Basically I start at 50% strength and then add RO water to bring the ppm down to the desired level. I have read and been told that less is more or better especially with autos and it has proven out. Full strength would probably put the ppm @ 1400 or higher. I test daily and things are going good.
Love the set and go part of Autopots. I also use a small circulating pump in the res and flush my lines once every 2 weeks or so. So far so good. Tallest plant is almost 3 ft and room at the top of the tent is getting crowded.
Good luck with your grow. Send me a link when you start and I would happily sub in for the grow and show.:pass:
Hey RustyRuss,
I am currently at 740ppm and 5.50 ph so about 1/3 to 1/2 the recommended strength according to Remo. Am using RO water. Basically I start at 50% strength and then add RO water to bring the ppm down to the desired level. I have read and been told that less is more or better especially with autos and it has proven out. Full strength would probably put the ppm @ 1400 or higher. I test daily and things are going good.
Love the set and go part of Autopots. I also use a small circulating pump in the res and flush my lines once every 2 weeks or so. So far so good. Tallest plant is almost 3 ft and room at the top of the tent is getting crowded.
Good luck with your grow. Send me a link when you start and I would happily sub in for the grow and show.:pass:
your well back on track @JohnEMad also if you went with remos chart @RustyRuss you will burn the shit out of your plants but the strange thing is people who did tests for the cannazone ages ago were using the proper amount and I've tried high doses and low and if you push you get tip burn right away i try to never go past the week 2 veg amount per litre on the calculator and the same in flower if that makes sense also @JohnEMad can you tag me occasionally to follow your progress please brother
your well back on track @JohnEMad also if you went with remos chart @RustyRuss you will burn the shit out of your plants but the strange thing is people who did tests for the cannazone ages ago were using the proper amount and I've tried high doses and low and if you push you get tip burn right away i try to never go past the week 2 veg amount per litre on the calculator and the same in flower if that makes sense also @JohnEMad can you tag me occasionally to follow your progress please brother
Hey thanks for stopping in and helping out. Will tag you for sure.
your well back on track @JohnEMad also if you went with remos chart @RustyRuss you will burn the shit out of your plants but the strange thing is people who did tests for the cannazone ages ago were using the proper amount and I've tried high doses and low and if you push you get tip burn right away i try to never go past the week 2 veg amount per litre on the calculator and the same in flower if that makes sense also @JohnEMad can you tag me occasionally to follow your progress please brother
Thanks for the heads-up. I’ve spoken with REMO and was advised to run at around half the recommended rate when using Autopots. Sounds like I should start even lower and work my way up to around half.
Thanks for the heads-up. I’ve spoken with REMO and was advised to run at around half the recommended rate when using Autopots. Sounds like I should start even lower and work my way up to around half.
I agree I use remo and autopots slow and steady is the way