Grow Mediums leaves yellowing and edges brown?


semi-mad grower.
Cultivators Club
Jul 18, 2019
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Hope you can shed some light on this for me.
Using remo nutrients in coco/perlite, in Autopots. Over the last week readings are ph 5.7 to 6.3, ppm - 775 to 950
lowered the lights 3 days ago to 14" and then saw this and raised them back up to 18-20 inches.
1st sign of anything other then a slight burn from nutes on some leaf tips throughout the grow.
Day 50.
I am thinking potassium deficiency now.
thanks for your comments.


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Just a quick update. Some of the new growth is also coming up almost yellow.
After reading a ton of articles and a chat with my local grow shop experts it was basically concluded it is most likely a deficiency of potassium due to the plants being hogs during the stretch. I decided to add a double helping of Remo astro flower that has 1 - 6 - 11 so lots of potassium. If there is no marked improvement overnight or things worsen I will remove the plant from the system and flush thoroughly with ph'd h2o. and then top water with a weak nutrient solution. Have to check the roots for rot first as another check.
Will post the results.
Home from work and found the plant was continuing to show signs of stress and the tops were sagging over so I flushed with 3 times the pot volume of ph'd water.
First I removed the plant from the autopot system. I set it over a tub on top of another container to keep it out of the old solution and flushed 3 times with h2o @6.35 ph. After each flush I decided to record the ph and ppm.
Flush #1 - ph-6.85, ppm-1172
Flush #2 - ph-7.18, ppm- 641
Flush #3 - ph 7.44, ppm- 227
I then top watered with a very weak nutrient solution. 1/4 strength.
Seeing I was mixing my res at 5..5 to 6.3 and ppm between 700 and 1100 over the course of the grow I most likely had a ph imbalance and too high a nutrient level in the roots.
There is no rotten smell from the roots so it appears I messed up with too much. Hmmm what is the #1 piece of advice for autos and nutrients. Less is Better. and every strain can be different.
My Cream Caramel hasn't missed a beat and the other NLx shows only minor signs of leaf stress.
Will update in a couple days.
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I think you're on the right track... Oh yeah, rule 347 of growing your own states.. "Don't listen to grow shop employees", lol. They are sales people. How did he diagnose a plant without seeing it? Annnyyywhooooo... I doubt it's a "deficiency" if you are using the full remo line.

It does look like the early stages of a potassium issue though. Since you've already done a flush, just give it a few days to see if the problem continues to spread!

Fyi: Often times, adding more of wherever seems to be deficient, is going to be the wrong answer, and can actually make things worse.. If you're using a quality soil and nutrient line, most often, you're dealing with a lock out of some sort, or ph issue.
I think you're on the right track... Oh yeah, rule 347 of growing your own states.. "Don't listen to grow shop employees", lol. They are sales people. How did he diagnose a plant without seeing it? Annnyyywhooooo... I doubt it's a "deficiency" if you are using the full remo line.

It does look like the early stages of a potassium issue though. Since you've already done a flush, just give it a few days to see if the problem continues to spread!

Fyi: Often times, adding more of wherever seems to be deficient, is going to be the wrong answer, and can actually make things worse.. If you're using a quality soil and nutrient line, most often, you're dealing with a lock out of some sort, or ph issue.
Listen to a salesman...:face: :baked:
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I agree as I've had numerous lockout s with remo with my plants normally at least one plants in my autopots out of 4 but I generally run all different strains. if you say you flushed her with a low ec feed I would top feed for a little while till your back on track as I said I need to do this a lot lately also in the plant infirmary @Waira Is the most clued up person on here and I would get there opinion
I agree as I've had numerous lockout s with remo with my plants normally at least one plants in my autopots out of 4 but I generally run all different strains. if you say you flushed her with a low ec feed I would top feed for a little while till your back on track as I said I need to do this a lot lately also in the plant infirmary @Waira Is the most clued up person on here and I would get there opinion
Thanks a bunch for the insight of experience. Prophetiko & St. Tom :thanks::cheers:
So far so good. Plant is sitting upright again and no more yellowing or brown showing up. Top watering as mentioned. :joy:
Thanks a bunch for the insight of experience. Prophetiko & St. Tom :thanks::cheers:
So far so good. Plant is sitting upright again and no more yellowing or brown showing up. Top watering as mentioned. :joy:
i love remo but i was seriously thinking about trying a new line but i get some great harvest but in the autopots, 1 always seems to act out and after a sort of mini flush and a top feed they seem to get back on track and that's why I'm sticking with them there a great line and i just buy supercharged kits :headbang: anyhow keep tagging me occasionally so i can watch your grow with interest as i know ya gonna smash it
36 hrs after the flush and things are stable. In fact the plant grew 1.5 inches even through all that. Placed it back into the system and hoping everything keeps chugging along without broken tracks..


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36 hrs after the flush and things are stable. In fact the plant grew 1.5 inches even through all that. Placed it back into the system and hoping everything keeps chugging along without broken tracks..
Looks like you've got things under control, plants look great.:thumbsup:

I'm about to start a run with Autopots and Remo and was curious as to how your ppm lined up with the Remo Nutrient Calculator recommendations? In other words, what is the ml per gal/Litres that you are feeding?