New Grower Leaf tips are curling


"Onward through the fog!" - Oat Willie
Feb 2, 2015
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My Northern Lights autos are doing this. My Fast & Vast autos aren't. What's up with this?

Gonna get real dank real soon. :)
Can you give a description of your soil/admentments/ nutes and are you using cal/mag supplements? What is the ph of your water..... Have you flushed this plant yet?
Can you give a description of your soil/admentments/ nutes and are you using cal/mag supplements? What is the ph of your water..... Have you flushed this plant yet?

I haven't flushed. I'm a noob at this. Should I flush now as they start to flower?
My last water was just water.
I use Grow More.
Sea Grow 16 16 16
Sea Grow 4 26 26
Maxi-Cal 10 0 0
Jump Start

I use rain water adjusted after nutes to 6.5 to 7 PH.

50/50 mix Happy Frog and Ocean Forest.

I've been real easy and light with the nutes.

My Journal below has more.
Hmm looks like my lemon haze plants bro lol I don't know what I did other than going to filter tap water and they cleared up good I just kinda winged it
I had a plant start like this and after the flush she began to look a lot better. Imo the signs you are seeing could be the beginning of a nutrient lockout. The flush will help this.

Also im not familiar with the nutes your using butwhen my plants began to flower I had to add a cal/mag sup I used GO cal mag plus
I'd say give it a flush let her dry out good and then feed about a half tsp of grow with a good watering to about 10% runoff and then next time just water to about 10% runoff and than start feeding as normal
I backed the LED away from them a bit and that seems to help. I had it at 18" and now is about 24" from the tops. Plus just before I posted this thread I had nute/watered them with my heaviest nute mix yet (which isn't all that heavy) and that seemed to help. I love this first grow in decades. Trial and error but I'm proud of my success so far. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I read a lot here and this site is very helpful.