Leaf Discoloration

Nov 7, 2015
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This is my first grow, big/sudden problem with leaf discoloration on my 4 AF's. I'm raising a Super Critical, Northern Lights, Girl Scout Cookies, and Sweet Train Wreck. They are all 6wks old and are in their 3rd wk of flowering, Medium is Pro Mix BX with added Pearlite all plants are in 3gal pots, Feed is Fox Farm: Big Bloom- .01-.3-.7, Fox Farm: Bush Doctor- 0-1-3 every other feeding, ph is always 6.5. Climate runs between 77 and 82 degrees F, RH runs between 40% and 46%. Additional info., Noticed this problem after a 12/5/15 feeding with nutes.: Big Bloom; 3Tbs/Gal, Bembe; 1Tbs/Gal, ph 6.5, cool weather in area, heat came on in the house caused RH to drop to 36%- 37%, on 12/5/15 put humidifier in grow tent ran it during light hrs. 18/6, brought RH up to 41%, saw Super Critical fan leaves getting lighter, Girl Scout Cookies lower leaves getting lighter and a few small burn marks on some leaves, Northern lights drooping with lower and top leaves getting lighter. 12/8/15 accidentally left humidifier on all night next morning inside Grow tent covered in condensation, night temp. 66-70 F, wiped down tent, noticed leaves on Super Critical getting more lighter, so are the other two. 12/10/15 Flushed all the girls with HP: Flora Kleen; 2tsp/gal. used 8tsp Flora Kleen in first 5gal bucket second bucket straight ph'd water, this was done to the three plants. 12/12/15 all three girls looking really bad, Super Critical is the worst, all fan leaves really yellow with some burn marks on some of the leaves, the other two are looking pretty bad too.
AF Sic 10DEC15.JPG AF Sic 12DEC15.JPG Auto feed.JPG

Not to sure whats going on but they should be a little bigger at this point.Have you used any cal/mag with your feed? At this point I would add some veg nutes with nitrogen and cal/mag and see if that helps and hold off the bloom nutes for awhile.
Not to sure whats going on but they should be a little bigger at this point.Have you used any cal/mag with your feed? At this point I would add some veg nutes with nitrogen and cal/mag and see if that helps and hold off the bloom nutes for awhile.

Thanks, I thought so too, I can't make sense of the harvest dates; Super Critical, harvest 49days after germination but then it says, flowering 48~72 days, what is ~. I germinated all the seeds 10/29/15, tap root was showing on 10/31 and I potted them all in 3gal pots on 12/16 they will be 7wks old according to a site the super Critical is to be harvested on 12/19 impossible its still too green only the fan leaves have turned yellow and I've taken them off. I have taken a shot of the Super C the yellow leaves in the shot is this the start of it getting ready for harvest, I am really thrown off. As far as trying to get the buds to get bigger I will be using Fox Farm Boomerang 2-0.2-0.3 to bring the plants back.

Sic Sup C 2.JPG Sic Sup C.JPG N Lites 6wks.JPG
Pop-- those flowering/harvest times given by the breeders are for plants under optimal conditions, at earliest stage of harvest ripeness,... realistically, it's going to be about 1-2 weeks longer depending on strain and other factors,...
... if those are the only nute's you've been using, the plants are likely starving... Big bloom is poorly named! look at the NPK numbers, they're all in the decimal range -- waaaay too weak to be used as a primary fertilizer! You need a proper bloom fertilizer,...BB is good stuff, but I treat it like a supplement due to it's mildness,... Bembe (0-1-3) is only a carbo source, a supplement, not a fertilizer either,...ditto for Boomerang,... You gotta read the labels, dude, and understand what the product is for,... have you ever checked the pH of the soil, and adjusted you nutrient solution pH's? ..this could also be a source of trouble with this grow,....
Pop-- those flowering/harvest times given by the breeders are for plants under optimal conditions, at earliest stage of harvest ripeness,... realistically, it's going to be about 1-2 weeks longer depending on strain and other factors,...
... if those are the only nute's you've been using, the plants are likely starving... Big bloom is poorly named! look at the NPK numbers, they're all in the decimal range -- waaaay too weak to be used as a primary fertilizer! You need a proper bloom fertilizer,...BB is good stuff, but I treat it like a supplement due to it's mildness,... Bembe (0-1-3) is only a carbo source, a supplement, not a fertilizer either,...ditto for Boomerang,... You gotta read the labels, dude, and understand what the product is for,... have you ever checked the pH of the soil, and adjusted you nutrient solution pH's? ..this could also be a source of trouble with this grow,....
Thanks', the leaves are still really green on three of the plants so I guess your right about the extra weeks. I flushed the plants on 12/10 they still holding water, if there this close can I feed them one more time before flushing again. Could you suggest some fertilizers that I might look at.
Beware putting too much stuff in your plants. Fox Farm will sell you all kinds of stuff you don't need. The Boomerang and Bembe will be of little benefit especially now. And I wouldn't use flushing solutions. Get a grow fertilizer and some calmag. And consider that 4 different strains on a first grow makes it a little more complicated. Try to keep it simple.