La Buena Hierba LBH Testers 2nd Round DAB

eddit enof testers for now soon meabey again i need testers thanks

(looking for testers for new strains outdoor... early and autoflowering trains and also looking someone for indoor testing new autoflowers you intrest ?
testing need top be done this year and pictures and growlogs online
let me know if you have the time and wanting to help
Peace LBH)
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I had 4/5 popped and are going great .Seems there are fungus gnats in the black gold soil ..That is not too bad I put on some mosquito bits on top of the soil so they will be gone fast...The 5th one didnt pop due to me though it wasn't in between the paper towel.
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looking for testers for new strains outdoor... early and autoflowering trains and also looking someone for indoor testing new autoflowers you intrest ?
testing need top be done this year and pictures and growlogs online
let me know if you have the time and wanting to help
Peace LBH

I have volunteered. :dunno:
looking for testers for new strains outdoor... early and autoflowering trains and also looking someone for indoor testing new autoflowers you intrest ?
testing need top be done this year and pictures and growlogs online
let me know if you have the time and wanting to help
Peace LBH

I would be glad to test outdoor only lbh
looking for testers for new strains outdoor... early and autoflowering trains and also looking someone for indoor testing new autoflowers you intrest ?
testing need top be done this year and pictures and growlogs online
let me know if you have the time and wanting to help
Peace LBH

Outdoor guy here, PM sent.
3 SDH all in a row and at 3 days old!
LBH SDH 003.jpg
LBH SDH 002.jpg
LBH SDH 001.jpg
Here we are at 14 days!!!!
LBH SDH 004.jpg
LBH SDH 003.jpg
LBH SDH 002.jpg
LBH SDH 001.jpg
looks great buddy but do you keep them in those cups?