Outdoor late outdoor/greenhouse grow

@ Krug :

Thx man but I've learned not to overestimate,
will lose a lot to mold as it is a bit late in the
season. I once had mildew overtake a dozen
autos in less than 48 hrs, it was so fast it was
scary ... I'm curious myself about the yield,
after all, I made the seeds my self last year
and I'm dying to know how they'll do


The plants are feeling the need for speed,
bad weather is coming soon :D
Out here the heat isn't a problem, it's the
high humidity and the lack of wind, the
place is Fungus-Paradise but you try and
adapt to the conditions as good as you can...
Good luck & keep cool :firedevil:
I`ve done the same thing this season(on a much smaller scale,though!) made my seeds last year too. I got 2 very different phenos(so far), one like mum and one like dad :D...love ur poly-tunnels mate!:thumbs:
Plants looking lovely there. I'd defo say you'll get more than your 10g per as well, still better to under-estimate. Hope the weather holds for you.
@ Krug

I got real lucky with the poly-tunnels.
They're not even low-budget, they're
no-budget ( literally, didn't spend a
cent on them ) made entirely from
"leftovers" I had lying around.
I was a bit high when I made the
second one & it shows but I don't care
as long as it's doing what it was intended
to do (keep the rain off ) I'm happy with it.

If they prove their use on this grow there's
a good chance I'll try a couple no-budget
guerilla-greenhouse-grows in 2013 :cool:

What strains did you cross last year ?


thx man, I'm guessing another 5 to 6 weeks
and we'll have a better idea on the yield
Autoflower army,

pre-sent ... bud !

