Live Stoners Land of Green (PK)

Mar 24, 2016
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im from PAK. and have no prior experience in growing anything :D

will be starting my first grow in a couple of weeks and will be targeting to finish it in 8/9 week at best (thats the total grow window i have) :woohoo1:. read a lot of stuff over the internet and finally settled on AFN.

growing totally for recreational/personal use. can get high quality Afghan hash (charas) pretty easily here but think it will be fun to grow myself :thumbsup:

will be needing a lot of help. treat me good people

- KB
Hi there TheKB, and welcome to AFN, If you want to learn you are in the right place. The biggest piece of advise I can give is K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Silly. More often than not lees is more, and we as human tend to get excited an try to push it. Try not to do that. (trust me, we all know it's not easy) There are a lot of really experienced growers here, and everyone of us had to start somewhere. You'r just lucky enough to start here. I hope you enjoy your stay here, and if you need anything just ask.
Welcome KB,

do I take it you are from Pakistan ? That would be cool. Indoor or outdoor ?

We are here to help, and would love some pictures......eP.

im from PAK. and have no prior experience in growing anything :D

will be starting my first grow in a couple of weeks and will be targeting to finish it in 8/9 week at best (thats the total grow window i have) :woohoo1:. read a lot of stuff over the internet and finally settled on AFN.

growing totally for recreational/personal use. can get high quality Afghan hash (charas) pretty easily here but think it will be fun to grow myself :thumbsup:

will be needing a lot of help. treat me good people

- KB
well you already know your in the right place.. and if it is help you seek it is help you will get... Welcome bud hope your grow goes according to plan and yields big buds.
would love some pictures
Who doesn't love some bud porn?
I was gonna ask, are you living IN Pakistan or Europe? I ask because you`d probably get better results outside in Pakistan!(Hope you`ve got decent `air con`, if growing in an indoor tent! 555 :smoking: ). I`m only joking pal. I wish you all the best and let us know how it goes bro! :pass:
thanks guys..

yes i live in Pakistan.. and outdoors are great.. :D agreed krug but this time of year is not forgiving (May to August).. Temperatures will rise to 40C in coming days. already 31C today.
was planning to grow indoor only but got a lot of free seeds with my order.. so i think will pop a couple of them in pots on terrace. wont hurt a bit :biggrin:
will be over the moon if i get a plant like one of your babies in my first grow Fuggzy :cheers:
once i start the grow, i'll keep you guys updated with pictures.. will help me to control damage as well in case of any disaster! lol!
will be over the moon if i get a plant like one of your babies in my first grow Fuggzy :cheers:
First off, thanks!:d5: Next, prepare for lift off. The journey to over the moon takes about 70 days. Lol. In all seriousness, having a great harvest on your first grow happens often here. @CanuckFrog Documented his first grow ever here, and harvested over a pound. Just on a handful of plants. @Herbisaur Did 3 plants his first grow, and did great. He got enough bud to last him, and it was some beautiful purple bud. So pretty I went an bought the same strain. Lol.

Led is a great choice. Have you had any success picking one yet?
Lol!! "If it wasnt for bad luck.. i wouldnt have no luck at all!"
but... that's a lot of inspirational stuff Fuggzy!! will look into mentioned grow journals.. but.grow conditions are gonna be lot tough, specially..
1. Extreme heat.. temps will touch 45C at some time
2. Frequent power failures.. average 6-8 hours minimum during the day..
so I believe these two hurdles have ruled out use of HPS effectively
LED are great but I see China all around me.. can't get myself to buy one of those as primary grow light.. MarsHydro reflector 96 I can get for around 350$ which I guess is too much..!!!?
so still looking around and 7 more days to figure all out!!

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