Here's a quick pic update on how these younglings are getting on..
StarRyder day 11... 10L airpot
Dina cheese day 10... 6L airpot
Dina amnesia day 10... 6L airpot
Dina fruit day 9... 6L airpot
Baby StarRyder not even a day old yet... Yes.. Dare I say it.. Cute... 10L airpot
I think their all looking shit hot for their age but I've haven't fed them anything yet... Plain un-pHed water so far.. Nutes to come soon though..
Dub... Tang... Pointers... Pretty please.
There's a reg stone dragon in there as well that just popping surface as I type here... It's buddy bean didn't pop so just the 1 dragon in with these fems.. Lets hope it wants to go with the flow & doesn't drop a set of nuts on me.. I won't be documenting it in here anyways...
2 Short Stuff Blue Himalaya Diesel germing at the mo in the tent as well & I've just thrown a G13 auto northern lights x auto sweet tooth in to soak there a half hr ago.. :booya:
Go hard or go home.. :brow:
Not a bad line up to fu*k up on my first soilless mission... Well not DWC mission..
I don't know what to do with all these breeders on the go in here & this in the DP section... I'd like to keep it here as there's 2 SR in this grow... Let me know if anyone objects..
Good night folks..