Dutch Passion Kush T's Dutch Passion Antics...

Cheese.. Small lower nug.. 4.52g straight from the plant..




I just couldn't let it lie.. Whoops!!

Aye.. Yeah.. It.. It fell off.. Sweet.. :shrug:
Ok this cheese is coming down soon..
I've taken a few pics of her purple tops.. These have appeared since flush started.. Looks cool.. Although I normally get purple near harvest time.. Cool night temps I reckon.. Anyways

Cheese day.. 70











Mmm mm.
Dang Kush! Sorry I've been missing all this sweet bud porn! I'll go back a few pages and catch up but i'll be here from here on out! Top notch work Mate!! :drool: I'd fancy some Cheese! :smokebuds:
Dang Kush! Sorry I've been missing all this sweet bud porn! I'll go back a few pages and catch up but i'll be here from here on out! Top notch work Mate!! :drool: I'd fancy some Cheese! :smokebuds:

Thanks Reb.. :bow: Don't sweat it brother.. I know what it's like trying to keep up with all the journals I sub to.. Nigh on impossible.. When this stinking cheese plant is down, dried & cured.. theres a nug with your name on it!!
Thanks for looking in buddy.. :smokebuds:

It took me long enough to get over here and see this girl... So glad to see yours obviously wasn't a dud!! Killer matey! :five:

She ain't no Dud brother.. She's a clinker!!.. Her aroma is pure orange/zest amaze balls!! I love it.. I'd grow her out again but it seems G13 Labs haven't released her.. Strange.. :bong: I wish yours woulda sprouted Reb.. We coulda chonged one each at the same time.. Two stoners a thousand miles apart hittin' the same bud & talkin' shit!! :D
Pure sativa traits showing... & smelling.


Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm cheese on toast comes to mind , lol , nice one Kushty :peace:
. Thank you brother Dex.. I've got the scissor fingers going apeshit on my right hand here.. It can't wait... Nor can I Raaaaahhh!! :smokebuds:

Lovely! :cough:

:five::toke: Thank you Komach :hug:
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