Well I put the nematodes to the test today on all the girls and my house plants not risking anymore gnats or soil dwellers fuck that! I added the entire pack to a gallon of water that wasn’t ph’d but this was an emergency operation so I needed to do what had to be done it’s ok Though once won’t hurt on the water. Also my cal mag came in today with a small bottle of floralicious plus... anyone ever used it?
So I decided to get a little brave and see where it takes me... I topped Britney’s who is 19 days old and no signs of preflower so I thought I have an open window to go ahead and top her. Looks like I’ll get 4 more tops out of it though we’ll see!
During inspection of my girl Britney I noticed two limbs that looked like they could use a good tug from under the canopy lol granted their not completely from under the canopy the tops are getting more light so they grow back up nicely.
So while I was cleaning off Shirley’s burnt up old fan leaves I decided fuck it let’s strap the bitch down again so she got another strap today. Also sprinkled down some bits seen 2 fungus gnats and that’s two too many! Also seen a few little holes in my fan leaves so I decided to release the hounds of mite death! 750 ladybugs those mites don’t stand a fucking chance!
Fuck yeah man ladybugs are predictors and feed on spider mites and since there’s no bud production yet these gals will rid me of any mite eggs or mites period. I sprinkled them on every plant throughout the house too so they get everywhere cleared of spider mites and mites alike.
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