Photoperiod Juvenile pollen


Apr 4, 2016
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Anybody got any info on recommend minimum age of a male plant for the purposes of pollinating a female?
Pollen is pollen right?
If you have viable pollen then it has the necessary DNA/genetic wherewithal to do the job regardless of the physiological age of the male....but is there a recommended minimum stage of development to trigger male flowering?
The reason I ask is that I am looking at a failed selfing procedure (tutankhamon-an AK47 )...most likely due to not-strong-enough colloidal a respectably sized cola of male balls, with stamens a plenty showing, but no pollen release, so plan b is to forget the selfing and cross with a Hindu Kush male which I had intended to do long-term anyway. trouble is, I now have to wait for freshly planted seeds to mature...just when I thought I was out....they pull me back in....Any feedback greatly appreciated.
By the way , who is our resident genetics expert?
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Heya oldbie! It has been in my short breeding career, but long time research, that those incidents will happen when you dont reverse the whole plant. Doing a selfing with just a branch is not recommended, but the whole plant to be changed, for better results. Most likely, the pollen isnt doing its thing, because of selfing one branch, the rest of the plants hormones(female) will obstruct or reduce the male reversal. When you self a branch, keep in mind that the plants circulates like blood through your body and for fem hormones can hinder the branch selfing aspects in a single branch over the whole plant. That being said, here is the Coloidal Silver thread, that explains it better in detail. It is a long read, but well worth the time, considering you are wanting the best of your breeding career to be the best it can be!!:thumbsup:
who is our resident genetics expert?
There are several, but I believe @FullDuplex is in charge of the breeding section. He is now tagged in thread and should show up and reply the next time he is on site!:thumbsup:
Heya oldbie! It has been in my short breeding career, but long time research, that those incidents will happen when you dont reverse the whole plant. Doing a selfing with just a branch is not recommended, but the whole plant to be changed, for better results. Most likely, the pollen isnt doing its thing, because of selfing one branch, the rest of the plants hormones(female) will obstruct or reduce the male reversal. When you self a branch, keep in mind that the plants circulates like blood through your body and for fem hormones can hinder the branch selfing aspects in a single branch over the whole plant. That being said, here is the Coloidal Silver thread, that explains it better in detail. It is a long read, but well worth the time, considering you are wanting the best of your breeding career to be the best it can be!!:thumbsup:
many thanks @briman , thing is, I did do the whole plant with the cs, then I decided to lollipop it to the main cola. did check out that tutorial. having started a "reverse gender" thread in this photo dept of the forum, Habitual more or less stressed the importance of high strength cs, which I tried to do but I got stuck at a TDS of 16ppm for some reason and as it takes a long time to home-distil water ( got it down to a TDS of 1ppm which I was happy with) I have to admit I got lazy and persevered with the 16ppm solution so maybe that's to blame. I have read of others succeeding at this strength though.
having just updated my previous thread "gender reversal" from which this thread stems,
I will post the same thang here, as its the same quest.

further update.
having thought I failed in my endeavours (I got a cola full of balls, plenty of stamens, but curiously no pollen),
I went pollen hunting; by this I mean I manually removed and opened some stamens to see if there was any pollen;
yes there was but it had to be freshly opened male flowers, nice plump stamens/bananas and even then only some had pollen.
the picture included is of material I had left off the plant a couple of days, hence the dry look. can be done...if you need to do it.
pick opened flowers (parachute/umbrella open with stamens fact they may not dangle;
this is a reversed female so the balls can be upright, sideways etc),
remove from plant, tease of the stamens and then pick up each with a tweezers one by one,
and either tease them open with a point/pin or flick them about.
do it over glass or mirror and then either brush or puff the pollen onto whatever female you're dealing with.
its fiddly but think of those feminised seeds, or that saved strain and that will give you the drive to continue.
good luck.


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